Baby Swap

If you have a little one who cannot ride you can do a baby swap. The rest of your party waits in line as usual then when they get off the ride you can enter through the exit and get right on and ride. You can take one other person with you. Just be sure you get a pass from the CM at the line first. It's not available on all attractions--but we have used it on splash mtn and space mtn
It's possible that more than one person can ride with the one who waits to the side with Baby. When we were last there, our entire group was able to ride twice - once with each of the people who'd waited. This might not be possible if things are really crowded, but it sure can't hurt to ask. Both our older boys got to ride all the "biggies" twice - they owe their little brother, big time!

90 honeymoon
95,98, 01 w/kids & grands
Please be aware that the baby swap works differently on just about each attaction. You need to ask the Cast Member at the entrance what you need to do for that particular attraction. Sometimes you go through the fast pass lane, sometimes you go in line with everyone else and then there is a spot at the end you wait, sometimes you go to the end of the ride, etc.


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