Awesome Priceline deal on Airfare from MKE


Earning My Ears
Feb 18, 2000
Just had to post this--bid $100 +$50 bonus money
on airfare from Milwaukee to Tampa 3/3/01 and
returning 3/10/01. Unbelievable but my bid was accepted!!!!! Total price per person including tax and PL processing fee + $125.95!! Priceline tells me I saved 60.64% a total of $776.20 compared to the lowest published fare and I would have to say thats about right based on all the research I've done for the last month! Our flights aren't bad either--we got Delta and
Depart MKE 3:49 PM
Arrive Cincinnati 6:11 PM
Depart Cinci 6:55 PM
Arrive TPA 9:04PM

Return TPA 12:59 PM
Arrive Atlanta 2:29PM
Depart Atlanta 3:45PM
Arrive MKE 4:47PM

We are thrilled with this deal and can't wait for our first stay on site at Dixie Landings with the great rate I got -Thanks to these boards!
Great job! The drive from TPA is not bad at all. It takes a little over an hour and is all highway driving.

-- Robin
Congrats the last time I tried Priceline for airfare I got the worst possible senerio. Philly to St. louis to time with lay over 9 hours.

Caution should always used with price line

<IMG src="" ></P>
CBR Dec '95, Sept '97
BWV Aug '98, Mar '99
ASM Nov '99
BWV Oct '00, Mar 01
Zurg, Barbie, Buzz, Buzz, Jessie & Tinkerbell
I got $100.00 RT to Orlando from MKE for November. I can't believe what a great deal. I had budgeted $1300 for four of us. Now I have lots left over for spending at WDW. By the way I'm from Lisbon....


We just got back last wewek after using Priceline. I bid 99.00 + 50.00 bonus money and got accepted. We flew TWA MKE-St Louis-MCO with about a 2 hour layover in St Louis. It was very nice, especially for 99.00!! :D

'95 Lodge/Contemporary
'96 Lodge/AS Music
'99 Caribbean (March)
'99 Dolphin Concierge(Dec)
'00 AS Sports & Lodge
'01 AS Movies & Poly

Great deal! I also got a good deal thru priceline. It was taking a bit of a risk with a big family, but I bid 90 plus the 50 bonus for family of 7 and it was accepted. We have short layover in Raleigh Durham, flying Midway in November. Decent times too, just wish the way back was a little earlier. We leave Orlando at 6 P.M. and arrive in Hartford at 10 P.M. But for 785 total for delivering us the tickets and taxes etc.... for a family of 7 you can't beat the price. If you are flexible and willing to take a bit of a risk with times, priceline may be a good option.
Can you tell me how I get the $50 bonus money. When I use their site, they don't offer it. Thanks
The $50 bonus money offer required that you bid through a special URL. It is no longer valid. It was supposed to be valid through 3/2/01, but Priceline deactivated it today for some unknown reason.

The only airline ticket bonus money I'm currently aware of is a $25/ticket offer that can be found at
The best way I found to save on Airfare was to post a "fare watcher" on I requested they email me when the roundtrip rate from colombus to orlando went below $100 per person. Thinking this was a joke. Well the joke was on me. It took two weeks, but I was emailed a rate of $88 per person, round trip. The cheapest flight I could find elsewhere was nearly 200 per person. :rolleyes:

I got my tickets through milesource. We will end up with some extra miles to buy GC's with. I got 5 r/t tickets from BUffalo,NY to MCO for $171.50 each. Not a bargain but, I didn't want to try priceline because they wouldn't guarentee a time for departure.

The flight that I did book departs at 7:15 am non-stop to MCO arrives at 9:57 am. I didn't want to shuffle three kids around an airport. With our arrival that early I figure we could get at least a half day in at one of the parks.



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