Awesome Holiday!!

farmers wife

Earning My Ears
Jul 25, 2000
Wow...we're back!! First, thank you to everyone on the boards for your tips and answers to my many questions. Our trip was perfect because of you!! We left Toronto in a snowstorm and came home to one too!! ): We loved Jade East Townhouses with Alexander Homes. It was clean, very comfortable and cheap...$65 US a night. (for a three bedroom, 2 bath etc. you couldn't do better) WDW was everything we dreamed...Fast pass was super as we hardly had to wait in any lines! AND the weather was so warm...we couldn't believe we had snow at home.. Dollar Rental was good. We got the $199 rate for the week. But watch out; there is alot of extras that add up the bill. We only ate out 3 times and then made the rest of our meals.
Anyway time to get back to the real world..milking cows and getting up early. We feel very blessed though that we had this once in a lifetime holiday with our family!!!
Sounds like you had a wonderful trip, how about a quick trip report?
Hi Farmers' Wife!!!!! So glad to hear you're back already and that you had a great trip! You certainly deserved it what with all of your family troubles that you had to go through. We hadn't heard from you here for a while and I figured you had gone already. Isn't Florida great? Hope you all get to plan another trip soon.

Yup back to the old grind....and those cows LOL. Tell us a little about what you did and where you ate will you? Welcome back :D
Welcome back to the DIS, farmers wife. Glad you had such a great vacation at WDW!


because <font color=red><h2> That's Disney </font color=red></h2> and if I can't go, I'm thrilled when someone else does....and has a <font color=orange>wonderful</font color=orange> time! Welcome back!

<font color=green>Debbie &#176o&#176</font color=green>

<font color=red>I may not be able to go to WDW, but I can read about it!</font color=red>

Dixie Landings-Jan. '00 (just the parents)
HIFS/Dixie Landings-Aug.'00
Glad to hear you're back! Sounds like you had a great time! And glad to hear that you loved the townhouses. Great eh? LOL :D

<IMG width="107" height="123" SRC=""</IMG><IMG width=74 height=64 SRC=""</IMG>

<font size=4 color=blue>Kevin</font>
<font size=2 color=navy>Mariah: The Collection - 73 CDs and Counting.</font>
<font size=2 color=dark red>Newest CD: Against Alls Odds UK Limited Edition</font>
<font color=purple> <font size=2>A Strength to Survive, A Desire to Dream - All That
Glitters September 2001
Welcome back Farmers wife! It's good to hear that your trip was as wonderful as you had hoped!



Co-moderator - Restaurants Board


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