Average Family of 5~ 1st Day!


DIS Veteran
Oct 6, 2001
I would like to post a trip report but any helpful suggestions are welcome since I would like to know what people want to really know and what they have already heard a hundred times!

I'll start by saying we have visited the "World" several times, always stayed off site, and always come back sooner then we planned too!

Our cast of characters has changed over the years, this trip included
Myself, 38 year old wife , just wants a relaxing vacation!!
Hubby, 41 , the commando tour man
Son, 14, an agreeable teenager for the most part!
Son, 9 , the quiet child
and Daughter, 6, the adventure seeker

What a crew! After 20 hours of traveling (stopped for sit down meal, fast food, potty stops and refueling~ so not such a bad drive overnight really) in our extended length Ford Aerostar (lots of room for everyone and everything!) We arrive in Downtown Disney at Courtyard Marriott to claim our $25 a night room for the next 5 nights (Sun - Thurs 12/9 - 12/13) This is as close to staying on site as we have gotten and loved everything about being so close but with 5 in our party (and 6 until our oldest married just recently) on site was just way out of our reach. Our 2 yongest like the "cosy beds" we make on the floor out of blankets and pillows for them so 5 in a room is never a problem if we have floor space.

want to break this report up a little to keep it readable for all and understandable so 1st~

~~~The Check In ~~~

9 yr. old son has 102 fever whole trip down so when we arrive early (11am, yes I know that is check out time not check in) I try for an early check in with my most sad and tired face and tale of woe to no avail!! Argh!! Kimberly at the desk was much less then helpful (told me to come back at 4Pm!) oh well, we make the best of the afternoon. (more later) Oh and after having requested a room above 5th floor and facing DD we were told none available but I could move next day. If you could see how "un-lite" I pack you would know we never did move. I did read tonight on these boards though that the staff will move you. Who knew?? And since we never made it back to room before fireworks anyway, who cared?! The room was about as average as I can report. Certainly without the wow factor but not creepy either. It was clean. An absolute must for me.

~~~The Service at Courtyard~~~
I requested extra pillows one night and had them in about 10 minutes. I spilled soda on the bed at midnight another night and had clean sheets, blanket and spread in less then 10 minutes.
The bathroom always sparkled and the towels and kids blankets and stuffed animals where always arranged in some cute fashion each day. . . well, except for that one day! I took a day off while hubby took kids to Blizzard Beach (more on that later) and just shopped and sat by pool. Room was still not serviced by 4PM! I did catch a housekeeper in the hall who did not speak English but seemed to understand what I wanted and radio-ed for back up (hehe) and had 3 others to help her in a matter of minutes! She apoligized repeatedly until I didn't know what to do so I just went back downstairs! Guest services were helpful with tickets and bus schedules. My only complaint would be for the front desk. Somewhat cool and not very pleasant. But I did keep getting the same yong girl, could have just been a personality thing. Also my husband was frustrated that the bell hops would not let go of their luggage carts for half a second for him to use them independant of them. He tends to think our luggage looks like the Beverly Hillbillys and prefers to tend to it himself. Teenage son and I helped carry and all was well.
More on our 1st day in next report!
I'm sorry you got a bad person at check in. Did you complain? I'm sure the management would love to know. It is good to know that their cleaning staff is good. I'm with you...I expect a clean room. :) I hope your son feels better quickly and can enjoy the trip.
Thanks for posting. Despite the not-so-great desk help, sounds like you did great for $25 per night! Looking forward to reading more...
You can't beat that rate. Too bad the desk clerk had a bad attitude.

This is a great beginning, I'mm looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip.



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