Attn: DC Members--20% off sale this weekend


Dec 2, 1999
Go to Disney Club site and there is a special coupon to print out to take to the Disney Store March 9-11 for 20% disc. It lists the items it is good for, etc., as well

To use online or by phone there is a special code you would use, instead.

Thought I'd pass it along for any DC members that just missed the other sale!

Have fun!

Have a do da day!

'84 offsite
'90 CB
'94 DL
'99 CB
'00 May-AS Movies, Dec-AS Music
'01 Apr-Offsite
I went to redeem my coupon, I found that the Disney Store at our local mall has in their words "downsized" and is no longer carrying adult clothes. I was so upset. Has anyone found this at other stores or is it just ours??
By the way I did spend the coupon on an outfit for my DS.
You will see the "downsizing" of adult clothing in ALL the disney stores, unfortunately. Around certain holidays and seasons, there will be some adult clothing (t-shirts, sweatshirts), nothing like we used to have. We have had nothing but complaints. They are trying to encourage the catalog shopping and online shopping for adult clothes. Ask your store manager for the guest services phone number so you can complain. Alot of complaints have already been coming in; disney usually listens when their guests talk; at least on the store level. Adult clothing was our absolute lowest seller (people only bought when it was marked down) and that is why it was done away with to this point. donna

I, too, was extremely shocked and disappointed to see NO Adult clothing in our Disney Store... not even a T-Shirt.

From what I could see, the clothing on the website is the same stuff that was previously available at the stores... not too much new stuff.

I ended up buying Disney Dollars for our upcoming trip. I am sure that I can find TONS of stuff in WDW ;)

<font color=red><font size=3.5>Dagny
<FONT size=3> <ITALICS> Co-Host, Budget Board &
One of the Beth's (the one incognito) moderating the Rewards Board :D
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