ARRRRGGG! Now I Understand All the Fuss About Santa Claus!


DIS veteran
Aug 29, 1999
My DD was late for school this morning. She wouldn't go to bed last night, so she was slow to get up this morning ... and grumpy to boot. I drove her to school and attendance had already been sent to the office, so I had to sign her in. While waiting in line to sign her in one parent was going on and on about how she had a "Tooth Fairy Crisis" and when she put the money under the pillow she forgot to take the tooth. When her son found both the money and the tooth she said she had to make up a story to cover the discrepancy. All this with young children in the room, including my DD who lost her very first tooth last week. I tried my best to motion to the inconsiderate parents (one of them with her own 1st grader next to her!) to cut it out, but they were oblivious. My DD not only listens everything that is said in a room :listen:, but she is also one smart cookie. I am sure that she heard it all and is processing this new piece of information that the Tooth Fairy is really a child's parent. :mad:

I dropped my DD off at her class without saying anything. The "Tooth Fairy Crisis" mom was exiting the office at the same time as I was heading to the door. I, always the calm and non-confrontational type (NOT!), stopped her and told her that we don't "do" Santa Claus, but we do believe in the Tooth Fairy and my 5 year old DD heard everything! In her defense, she was shocked at her own behavior and apologized more than once. Thanks lady, but the damage is done.

We don't do Santa or the Easter Bunny because my DH is Jewish and I am an atheist. My DD has always known there is no Santa, but she is under strict rules not to say anything to her classmates. We never talk about Santa being anything but real in public for this very reason. ** sigh **

I think that I'll just wait for her to process the information and try to spin it when she asks me about it. I'll also try the old Santa standby: "What do you think?"

Thanks for letting me vent. :badpc:
What! There's no Tooth Fairy! :scared1: Of course there is!

;) Well, sounds like you did the best you could and handled the other parent well. (Better than most anyway.) We do try to keep them young as long as possible. Why shouldn't they believe in those wonderful mythical people afterall, is there really any harm? (I type as I put on my flame-proof suit)

Sure, try to extend the myths as long as possible. Let her enjoy. In the end, she'll grow up faster than you want her to anyway. Kids have a life time of reality ahead of themselves, let them enjoy these simple pleasures.

Afterall, we all go to WDW to see Mickey, right?
I've used the statement "Our family believes differently than this other family" to cover any of these differences. The same way as families going to different churches. That's just the way it is, end of discussion.

Here's an example of a time we differed with the neighbors- We did refuse to buy Nintendo, Gameboy, etc. when all her friends had them because we had a few computer games anyway and really wanted free time spent in other activities ie. reading, swimming and just learning to deal with being bored and finding something to do. Trust me, she didn't lack other toys.

She chose to tell her friends we were too poor and couldn't afford those electronic games. :rotfl2:

Just be matter of fact with your answer and don't dwell on it. It will work out.
The sad fact of the matter is that as soon as your kids get in school they hear, see, and do a lot of things that are out of your control. They start to compare themselves to others and often try to comform to the "norm." We do Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy but I have never been overly upset when the truth came out. It is part of growing up. My kids are 14, 12, 10, and 7 and STILL enjoy playing along with these little fantasies in a fun way. For instance, I will tell my 14 year old dd that if she doesn't believe in Santa she just won't get anything, and she will yell "I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE!!!" I was the same way as a kid. As Christians, we are trying to teach the true meaning of Christmas and Easter, so the other stuff is just for fun and not that important IMO. I like what the previous poster said about just explaining that different families believe different things. We do not do video games either, dh wants them reading, but "We can't afford them" just cracks me up :rotfl2:
Next thing you'll be telling me that Pooh-bear isn't real. :sad2:

I cannot belive that a parent who was covering for the tooth fairy would tell that story in front of children! Where's her sign? :rotfl:

Just want to say that it's great of you to help keep santa alive even though your family doesn't celebrate Christmas. Big kudos to you!

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