Are we wasting our money going to IOA?


DIS Veteran
Feb 1, 2000
Number one...I HATE HATE HATE HATE Rollercoasters so I won't be on those...LOL...My husband will probably ride both of them, and I have a 9 year old son.

My question is...there are 4 in our husband who would ride them, my 9 year old who I have no idea if he is big enough to ride or even if he will ride once he gets close to them, myself who won't be riding them and my 60 year old mom who also won't be riding them.

Are there lots of other rides at Islands of Adventure for my mom and I? I know my son would love Dr. Seus and I'm sure my mom and I would both ride Jurrasic Park but is that worth the money? Any input would be greatly appreciated


Beauty! I believe in happily ever after!!
I think it was very much worth the money even without doing the coasters. There are only two, after all ;)

In Marvel Superhero Island there's Spiderman, which is worth a stop, and Stormforce which is like the teacups apparently (I never did find it). If you don't do coasters, I wouldn't recommend the Fearfall ;)

Toon Lagoon has some great water rides -- Dudly DoRight's Ripsaw Falls has one of the best flume drops I've ever been on, and it's quite a cute and well-themed flume in keeping with the Dudly Doright cartoons. Just remember you'll get very wet on this one -- more than on Splash at WDW ;)

I didn't do the Popeye water ride, but I've heard it's supposed to be great. Just soaking ;)

Jurassic park was amazing. They did a wonderful job of capturing the feel of the Jurassic Park from the movie. Even if you don't go on any of the rides, that's still a fairly neat area if you like Dinosaurs. The Triceritops encounter was really neat for dino lovers.

My favorite area comes next, though, and that's the Lost Continent. Even if you don't ride Deuling Dragons, it's worth walking through the queue.

And the theming of Lost Continent is spectacular. My two favorte things at IOA are here as well: Poseidon's Fury (with some of the best special effects I've seen in a continuously-running attraction) and the Eighth Voyage of Sinbad -- a great stunt show, just be aware you may get wet in the Splash Zones. For me, these two attractions and the theming of the Lost Continent in general are well worth admission alone.

Then you've still got Seuss Landing, which was adorable. Cat in the Hat is another very well done attraction.

So no, I don't think you're wasting your money even if you won't do coasters :D



(Links will return when I find a new place to host the sites)
This park is really fun. My younger son also hates roller coasrters, but he still loved IOA. Our family really enjoyed universal in general. We stayed at Portofino and did it all. Can't wait to go back...
Well worth the money, I can't ride coasters and I find plenty to do. Just taking a break and watching the peoples faces as they come off them is a blast...this park is so neat you don't want to miss it. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> ;)
We just got back&loved IOA. Me,dh&10yrds did the coasters just took turns. 7 yr DD&4yr DS still had tons to do. We all loved Spiderman. Seuss Landing is fantastic&we all enjoyed. We all thought this was our'e favorite park!!
Yes! You should go I dont ride rollercoasters nor does my 10 yr old son and we still had a great time. Dont miss Spiderman!!!!

My son is still 2 inches shy of the height it takes to get on the big roller coasters but still counts Islands of Adventure is favorite park in Orlando, and he's been to them all!

On the other hand, I LOVE roller coasters, and since he can't get on them I don't, and I love the place also. As the other posters have said, there is so much more to offer than roller coasters. Go and have fun!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

Thanks for all the opinions!! It looks like we will definatly go to IOA....We have been to Universal and may go ahead and take mom there as well!! Wow a week full of Orlando..I CAN'T WAIT!


Beauty! I believe in happily ever after!! DEFINITELY worth the money!!!!! I HATE rollercoasters too, but I did THE INCREDIBLE HULK for the sake of my sister since neice missed it by 1 inch and mom had to stay with 2 year old! I got off going...LET'S DO IT AGAIN LATER! :D There is plenty for you to do in IOA. The different parks within a park is AWESOME. :) LOST CONTINENTS is the sure you're in the front when you do the show POSIEDON'S me on that one. ;)

HAVE A BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!



SoG-MAY 98

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