Are these pins collector items?


Earning My Ears
Aug 30, 1999
I bought several of the countdown to 2000 pins from the Disney Store...I have most of the couples. Are these an "item" with pin traders? I plan to keep them but I was just wondering if they were hot items now....
As long as the Disney trademark sign is on the back of the pin, they are tradable.

As far as what is "hot" and what is not, that is a relative issue. It all depends on who collects what. If you approach collectors mostly interested in limited edition and cast member pins, then you may not be too lucky. But, hey, give it the right amount of time and they will all be limited! ;)

I personally collect what I like, regardless of how bad anyone else wants it or not. I am sure I am not the only one in the planet doing it, so, just find the right crowds to trade with!

Me? Well, I do prefer Animal Kingdom pins. I bought two of those Disney Store pins several months ago but the seller never shipped the pins or even refunded the money.
::snif, snif:: :(

Oh well, have better luck,

Hi CoriD, the first and the last ones are the most valueble.
The other vary in value, just depends on the person who wants them as to the value. If they need them to complete the set the sky is the limit. They are all great pins. If you need others call WDW and they are selling them as retired pins. I'm a newbee at the Dis boards but have plenty of pins, it is a sickness we must feed.

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