Are there any CityWalk/IOA/USF restaurants that offer an Entertainment card discount?

Deb in IA

Knows that KIDS are better
Aug 18, 1999
Trying to plan our trip in July, and was wondering if I could use the Entertainment card at any restaurants in the Universal complex. I am looking at restaurants in the parks, CityWalk, or at the Portofino or Hard Rock hotels.
Thanks for any info!



I'm not aware of any offers with the Ent. Card. But if you can get a Universal Fan Club Card, you'll get 10% off. Check with your employer or Credit Union to see if it they have it.
I called them personally, and they told me that the only discount they give now is $4.00 off a ticket!!! I told them that last year they gave me the 10% off, and that on the back of my card, it says 10% off... but he said they discontinued that, and it is only the $4.00 off now! :mad: Just thought I'd save you the trouble and give you some info on the matter!! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">


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