Are Autograph Books a Pain?


Earning My Ears
Sep 29, 2000
DH and I will have DS4 and DS8. I'm thinking that we may not want to get them into the autograph thing because of the pressure to stop at every character. Does this become a nuisance after awhile?


Many times as a child
CBR '90 - Honeymoon!
DxL '95
Off Site '96
PO Riverside 5/18- 5/26/01 - Can't Wait
We did Autographs the first time with 5 yr. old DD and 10 yr old DS. Last time the kids were older and did not want to do it. I felt sorry watching all the parents having to stand on the lines waiting for pics and autographs. It does take a lot of time.
Does it take extra time? yep. Is it worth it? I think so. My kids look at there books all of the time. Just another WDW memory to keep them believing!

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"Walt Disney World... been there, done that, GOING BACK!"

Remember the Magic ºoº
I would leave that up to the kids. My 9yo didn't want to do many autographs on our last trip but 6yo loved it and got several. We never waited in long lines - just stopped as we were going by to check who was there. The do create lasting memories - here's a link of the scrapbook pages I've done for my 6yo. Scrapbook Page post


Offsite ? - 1976, Vistana - 1988
Vistana/Contemp - June 2000, OKW - Feb 2001
BWV - DIS Convention Nov 2001
Disneyland - 1998
I'd also say leave it up to the kids. Dd had just turned 4 on our last trip, she was very excited when we came across a character without a big line, but she did get tired and cranky while waiting in a long line for Pooh. We know we'll be going again so we didn't push the "you've got to meet everyone" thing. Maybe you could ask each of your children who the one character is they HAVE to meet, make an effort for that one, and leave the rest to fate.

The moment when we found Minnie at International Gateway, the CM escort let her stay for just our one last hug, and dd said "I've been waiting my whole trip to find you" was priceless (even if she did borrow the phrase from the commercial) ;)

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DxL: 11/93
YC: 9/95
CBR: 5/97
PO: 3/98
WL: 12/98
ASMo: 12/99
Dolphin: 11/00
Swan: 5/01
Forgot to add that an easy way to get autographs and pictures is at character meals. You get to relax and enjoy dinner and they come to you. Just have the kids pick the characters they would most like to see and plan around that. The only one that is sometimes hard to reserve is breakfast at the castle.
Yes it's a pain, and yes it's worth it!

We do three character meals: Chef Mickey's, Cindy's, and Artist Point on our vacation. That takes care of each of my three kids' favorites. This year we are doing Villians for me, too!

It is much more relaxing and significantly cuts down on character lines for the entire trip. But we will wait on line if one of the kids wants to.

As someone said before, yes & yes. It is a pain sometimes, but that's one of the reason why we go to Disney. My kids love to get autographs. My son wants to get everybody, where dd, 6, will have Pooh sign her book 3 times if she sees him that many times. They just love to be around the characters, and we have our pictures as a screen saver on our computer, so they are always pointing these pictures out. I like getting mu picture taken with them too.

My 6 year old daughter carried her own autograph book and pen in a Little Mermaid purse she carried over her head and shoulder so it crossed the front of her body. She was very responsible about keeping up with it. She really did love getting her autographs, and we tried to take corresponding pictures--she was very proud of herself. It really did not take any real extra time to allow her to do this, and then we went to MK on Friday afternoon and let her go to Toontown and Ariel's Grotto and collect more--we didn't make any other plans for that afternoon, so no one was rushed or disappointed about missing anything because she was collecting autographs. We also went to the Pooh Character breakfast at Artist's Point. She kept track of whose autographs she already had, and never asked to duplicate.She ended that trip with at least 26 autographs, and delighted in showing all of her friends when she got home. :)

Have a Wonderful day, Eeyore
Personally I liked the autograph idea!! My kids were 6 and 8 and this was actually a highlight for them and something to show off to friends upon our return home... We really did not devote alot of time to finding characters.. Luckily when we did enight we got autographs with no lines and then we had several characters meals where we were able to snag some more with no lines!! There were only 2 times that we actually had to wait in line to get an autograph, but it was worth it to me to see my kids faces light up when they got an autograph and picture...


Great question and great answers! (Sorry, this is only my 2nd reply)

It's true, just ask the kids what they want. My now-13yo will be going for the 4th time. He said it was special at 5yo but NOT now! He 1st went at 3yo w/o a book and didn't care! My DD, now 3yo, and this being her 1st visit, will not have a book. Maybe next time. Consider their ages and stabilities for the lines and patience and actual desire they MUST have in order to get an "autograph"! No sooner than 5yo in my opinion! Before that, the toddlers just want to see and meet their faves! ~ Hugs, kisses, play with, etc.! After 8-10 yo, especially if they've done it already, they won't want to take the time for autographs. Their mind is on the Next ride! IMHO. Kim
I love having my son get autographs. His next trip will be at 9 years. Does anyone have any opinions as to whether he will be interested or not?
Pnelson, I've heard of people having shirts or hats signed, maybe your son would think that was a neat idea. Maybe especially if it was "cool" characters like villains or Goofy.

Offsite: 3/80,11/81,4/85,11/92
DxL: 11/93
YC: 9/95
CBR: 5/97
PO: 3/98
WL: 12/98
ASMo: 12/99
Dolphin: 11/00
Swan: 5/01
Instead of a regular "autograph' book, I purchased a nice Disney hard-back book with misc. Disney stories in it. Now that was a pain lugging around!!! BUT, you know what, I will be taking that same story book down on our trip to FW April 2-7 so we can add to our autographs. Whenever we ran across a story in the book that had certain Disney characters in it, that's where we would have them sign. I would never have left it up to DS. He would have said, "forget it"! :D TC
I agree, yes it can become a major pain. That said, I wouldn't trade my kids books or the looks on their faces when they get them signed for anything! We are going back in August, and we will gladly do it again/

DS was 12 2 years ago when we were in WDW. He had his autograph book and had a great time getting autographs. This past year he was 13. Did he leave his autograph book home? NO WAY! Not only that but DH got a book for us to collect autographs too. Boy did we have fun. We're just as much kids as the kids. The easiest time we had getting autographs was at night on E-nights. It is cooler and they don't have to go in to cool off as often.
Our favorite memory is of getting in line to get Alice's autograph at Epcot. We were standing waiting and another group came up and started a new line on the other side of her. My son tried to tell me that we were in the wrong place and I stood my ground because we were there 1st and they were being rude trying to push in ahead. After Alice finished with the people in front of us she came over and mildly "scolded" my son for picking on his Mother. She said we were in the right place and then proceeded to flirt with him. What embarrassment for a 13 yr. old. The blush on his face was captured on film. It was great. :)
Take the books and decide as you go. If the line is too long, skip the character for now, you may see them again later. If you don't have it with you, you may regret it.

Thank you for the above response. It's nice to hear of a boy that still wants to get autographs as he gets older. As I said before, my son will be 9 on our next trip and I hope he still is interested-It is my favorite part of the trip!!!
My kids 7 & 5 just ran around disney for 6 days getting autographs...well worth standing in line, but most of all the photos with the characters are priceless!


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