Arabian Nights...what's that??!!


Bad to the Bone
Apr 29, 2001
AA have included an Arabian Nights free pass in our vacation package...has anyone been to this show? I've already been to their website. Has anyone been there? Is it worth our time?
Oh man.,i gotta tell you about this place.

The awful, expecting Arabian stuff? Try cowboys and Indians.

It's hot in the building.

Dinner is terrible....either veggie lasagna, which is cold. Or some boiled beef passed off as Prime Rib. Service isnt good either.

And last....the actor who plays the genie, has a twisted and warped face, reminiscent of Ron Howard's little brother Clint.
Our vacation is too short to waste it on some hokey show, their trying to give away...Thanks for the tip...:)
Arabian Nights has certainly gone down hill in the past few years. Even though they have improved the look of the 'theater'/arena, they have butchered the story and the acting is awful.
They use to have a geinie who came across as a Nathan Lane type, my daughter swore he was the guy who did the Timon character in the lion king. He was funny and he kept us from becoming bored between the horse acts. The new guy just isn't funny, BIG DISSAPOINTMENT!! They should bring back the other guy, he was the best thing about the show.
They still have the same sultan guy, who is pretty good, but if I were him, I'd throw myself off the balcony because of the other new actors around him.
The princess talks as if she learned to speak in the wave pool at wet and wild. There is not a sound more annoying with the exception of fingernails on a chalkboard.
The horse acts are performed by riders that look incredibly bored. The show I remembered had riders who got into what they were doing. It made the show exciting. Now it's like watching people and horses walking around. Incredibly dull. My kids said it was like watching paint dry.
There is one exception to the rule. They have added a drunken horse bit. The guy who does this seems to get into the bit. But the thing dates back to when vadeville was bad and it is so out of place I felt as if the owners lost a bet and they had to put this thing in. It went on forever and was more out of place than the cowboys and indians.
The Green Goblin was right about the food. I was looking for an official Arabian Nights Barf bag to come with my meal. The meal was inedible. The whole family went out for burgers afterwards.
We felt cheated by the whole experience. We were really looking forward to going back to see the show and this was what we got. Now were looking forward to the whole place being turned into a strip mall or a huge 7-11.
Do not make your decision on 1 persons opinion. I went there with my family and we had a great time!

Good food, great show (90 horses), I thought it was rather comfortable inside. I had prime rib and thought it was great!

But don't go just because my experience was pleasant. It is like anything else go and decide for yourself.:jester:
Maybe I will give the show a try on our next visit when we have more time to explore Orlando, but for now I can't take any chances with potential duds...:D
FWIW, here's my review from "The Other Orlando":

Orlando residents have voted Arabian Nights their favorite dinner attraction year after year, and it’s easy to see why. Beautiful horses, impeccably trained and put through their intricate paces by a young and vivacious team of riders, are hard to beat. The show may appeal most to horse lovers and riders, but the old clichés “something for everyone” and “fun for the whole family” are not out of place here.

Arabian Nights is huge and it has to be to accommodate the 20,000 square foot arena the horses need to strut their stuff. Each side of the arena is flanked by seven steeply banked rows of seats; all told, the house can hold 1,200 spectators and every seat provides a good view of the action.
The “seats” are actually a series of benches, each seating 12 people at a small counter on which you will be served your dinner. The fare is simple but satisfying — salad, a slab of prime rib with roasted potatoes and a medley of vegetables, and dessert. Vegetarian lasagna is also available. Unlimited beer, wine, and soft drinks are included in the price. Carafes of fancier wine can be ordered separately (for $18 and up), as can mixed drinks.

The doors open about an hour and a half prior to showtime if you’d like to come for pre-show drinks and a bit of nonequestrian live entertainment, which usually takes the form of a singer. On most nights, seating begins at about 7:00 and the show gets underway shortly after 7:30. We are guests at a feast celebrating the marriage of the Sultan’s daughter, Scheherazade, to Prince Khalid. But the real emcee is the sultan’s genie, a wisecracking sprite who smacks more of the Borscht Belt than Baghdad. It’s just enough of a “plot” on which to string a series of scenes that show off the beauty and skills of Arabian Nights’ $4 million stable of horses. More than 50 appear in each show.

While there are plenty of stunts involved in this show, the main emphasis is on the horses themselves, with their trainers and riders playing important supporting roles. Much of the evening involves intricate dressage and group riding in which the training of the horses and the precision of the riders are essential. Horses dance, prance, and strut to the music. They even do a square dance. Snow-white Lipizzans, the imperial breed of Austria, leap in the air and do a tricky double kick. One of the evening’s most stunning moments comes when a magnificent, riderless black stallion performs an intricate series of movements in response to the subtle signals of his trainer.

Action fans won’t be disappointed here. A circus sequence offers a chance for daring bareback riders to show their stuff and contains a hilarious comedy bit. There are cowboys and Indians with stunts straight out of the movies. Riders race around the arena standing up on the backs of two horses. There is even a Roman chariot race, complete with a spectacular “accident.” All of this is performed by a remarkably small cadre of talented performers who change costumes and wigs with amazing rapidity to reappear over and over in new guises. In the end, however, it is the horses that command our admiration. At show’s end, many of the equine performers romp about spiritedly in the arena; many people linger just to watch them play. If you still haven’t had enough, private VIP stable tours can be arranged.


And, hey, it's FREE with your coupon. At least you'll get a free meal out of the deal.

Besides, are you going to listen to someone called The Green Goblin? Next thing you know, you'll be taking orders from Dr. Doom, himself. ;)


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