april discounts


<font color=FF33CC>Enjoys "other" parks too, but d
Mar 21, 2001
are there ever any discount rates for peak season, april/easter time? The prices are peak and it is pretty costly.
Discounts begin 4/22. I was told they won't be discounting Easter week, if you check they are very booked.
You can get some discounts off-site. Try
quickbook reservation or try the link on the top of this page.
There were AP rates available. I got CSR for 94/night for 4/5-4/13. But it was hard work of calling everday!
disnurse i assume you are a nurse and qualify for Swan/Dolphin discount rates. These rates are good now! I am a teacher and made reservations fot the Swan two weeks ago for april 11th-16th. A friend of mine made reservations last week so call!

thanks to all. I was able to get the swan for 129 rate for 4/13-21st. Only a bit more than ressies for all star at 109/night. Thanks again


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