April 6,2001 Did you see me with REGIS at the MIllionaire,Play It!! at MGM??


Pixie Dust or Bust!!
Aug 25, 2000
On that Friday, MGM had the Grand Opening for the Who Wants To BE A Millionaire,Play It,show!!! Regis flew in from NY and Hosted The Opening Cerimonies, introduced the 6 new Hosts that will working in MGM, Then MIckey in a Regis suit and tie complete with confettii, got things under way. We moved in to the studio,decked out exactly like the NY set! And when the audience of 600 was seated,and WE were on the first row behind 6,7,8,9,10 fast finger chairs. Then Regis came out and explained How the MGM style Millionaire would be played. The hotseat Guests, don't play for money only prizes and points, 1000 points gets 5 trading pins and a hat!! If some one gets a million points they get a Trip to NY to met Regis and see a taping of his show,all expenses paid!!
All 600 audience members get to play along with Hotseat Guests!! the Ten Fastest are shown on the monitors and the 1st fastest replaces the hotseat person when they are done with their try for the million points!! So, it could be you,in the Hotseat!!!

It was so fun!! :D :D :D :D



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