AP rates at deluxe resorts...


Jul 28, 2000
C'mon everybody, fess up--who has received AP rates at deluxe resorts in May? We are planning a trip for May and wondering if it's worth it to purchase an AP. Does anyone know if you need to have an AP number to check on rates?
I received the AP Holder discount last May at a moderate resort. I am sure the deluxe resorts were also offering AP Holder discounts. You do not need to have an AP in hand to book the discounted rate, but will need to show the AP at check-in to receive the rate.

Good Luck!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

I just tried for this May and was told that the AP rates for the deluxes in May are "pending". March & April should be out soon she said, and May will follow shortly thereafter.

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
We got an AP rate at the Contemporary Tower for 5 days starting May 18, 2000. We also received a postcard offering us a Contempo wing room for $154 but that deal began the day we left (May 23, 2000). People were also getting that rate at the Contempo via an upsell - they would call CRO and ask about the availablity of a moderate and the CM would "offer" them a wing room at the Contempo for $154. Hope this helps. :D

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