Anything special to celebrate childs 1st birthday?


Earning My Ears
Feb 9, 2001
Going to WDW in 1 week and am going to try and celebrate babies 1st birthday. Going with 3 siblings and not DH but would like to make it a little special, if possible. Nothing elaborate just something to help make for a good picture. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. :D
We went to WDW about 2 weeks before my son was about to turn 4. One of the CM at the GF character breakfast conversationally asked how old he was and we just said, "he'll be 4 in a couple of weeks". The next thing we knew, they were bringing him a little cupcake and the whole place was singing "Happy Birthday" to him. I don't know about large scale celebrations but I bet if you (or train the kids) to keep mentioning his birthday, you could be in a for a week-long mini-celebration! Have fun! Karen in Iowa


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