anyone watching the Olympic Winter Games opening ceremonies?

Obi-Wan Pinobi

<font color=red>Jedi moderator who likes to live o
Apr 26, 2001
Did everyone see the audience at the opening ceremonies doing the wave?

Well, everyone's favorite happy pin dancer, AZJazzy Jeff is at the ceremonies, and told Lauri he would probably get kicked out because he was going to get 52,000 people to do the wave.

We'll let you know if he was involved. Don't be surprised if he was. :)
I missed the wave.....darn it!

Editorial comment...Does Bob Costas ever shut up?:rolleyes:

I saw the wave. I am sure Jeff was the start of at least one.

Did anyone see the pin trading commercial? Two very large men in a hot tub. One guy gave another a pin. Fade to black and it said "Culture differences".
Then the other guy hands the first guy a huge black pig.
Anyone want my dog for the Haunted Mansion dangle??????? Housebroken..... Peggie
LOL!!! I did see them doing the wave! Figures Jeff would have something to do with it!:rolleyes:
Great opening ceremonies. Congrats to Jeff in getting everyone on their feet!!!!:bounce:
I'm no fool knowing Jeff was going to be there, I taped the whole thing..

Maybe I can pause and see if Jeff did start the wave..

Can't wait to see it..I may be up all night watching..


Go Canadians!!!!! oops sorry reflex
USA USA USA USA Did we watch the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics? Is the Pope Catholic? Of course we did! Doesn't everyone remember the Friday night in 1980 when the USA team beat the Russians? We watched the ceremony & enjoyed it all (Leslie, yes, some people could have talked a bit less :) ). It was great to see President Bush there - did you see his facial expression when the Iranian team walked in? How about when he sat down in the stands with the USA team? And the young lady who handed him her cel phone - "yes, mom it really is the President sitting next to me!" I have to go & find my 1980 Olympic pins!!
That was the Cohen girl, who is part of the US figure skating team. Keeping my fingers crossed for a USA sweep of the ladies figure skating & a repeat of the ladies hockey team the taking the Gold. GO CAMMY!
The show was great. I especially loved the "team" torch bearers - topping it off with the 1980 gold metal ice hockey team. I really liked the torch. I thought it was neat how the fire crawled up the tower.
could see them in the back ground doing the wave and my DS and I just started laughing and
we got up and did it too! (just wanted to be part of the excitment!) LOL
I did think the commercial was a hoot when they guy tried to trade pins...and he ended up with a Pig (or boar) very funny!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to hear Jeffs report! and I do hope he does one and I do hope the search function will be working properly by then!!!!!!!!


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