Anyone Taken train into Kissimmee??


<font color=teal>Just happy to be here.
Apr 1, 2001
If you have taken the train into Kissimmee before...
1. Is there any type of transport to WDW Resorts?
2. Rental car locations close by?

Still debating taking the train in but trying to figure out the logistics of it.

Thanks for your help
:bounce: :bounce:
Last October DH and I took the train into kissimee, we had Tiffany towncars pick us up there. They were there waiting for us when we got in. Sorry, not sure of any rental car areas, but we were not looking, so there may be some. TTC were great, and they were about the same price as a taxi, hope this helps you. Have a great time.:D
Well, we found out that by the time our train comes in (on a Saturday) most car rental places are closed. They close early on Saturdays. So, we decided to take the train into Orlando, get picked up by Tiffany Town car ($75.00 RT). We still wanted a rental though, so instead of taking us to our hotel, they are takiing us to the airport where the rental companies are open 24/7. They would have picked us up in Kissimmee if we asked, but they said with the road constuction being done in kissimmee, it would be easier from Orlando.
Always take train to Orlando. Kissimee is closer but has no baggage help, rest area, etc. Orlando has nice station with vending machines, employees to help you, nice waiting area. Town car service has always been there waiting for me, even though train is ALWAYS late.


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