Anyone splitting their stay between HRH/PBH and Disney?


<font color=royalblue>Nothing beats a nice clean-c
Jun 3, 2000
Hi! I'm just curious if anyone is splitting their stay between US and Disney? Which one are you doing first? I'm debating to whether stay at Disney first or do US first. :rolleyes:

I have a DS 4 and DD 2 and hubby and I are going in September. We are going to MK and MGM and possibly do AK. We are planning to stay at PO for 4 nights. We also want to do US or IOA and stay in HRH for 3 nights.

Should we do Disney first? Should we just stay there for 3 nights and stay at HRH for 4 nights? What do you guys think? We never been to US in Florida before. My family never been to US before! I have only been to US in CA, but that was about 20 yrs ago!

Any advice would be greatly apreciated! :)
We are splitting our time between Universal and Disney. We are staying four nights at Disney's Beach Club and three nights at Hard Rock Hotel. When I booked the trip, I had not yet discovered these boards and I planned Universal first and then Disney. If I could do it over again, I would book Disney first and then Universal. The reason I would reverse it is that by staying at the Hard Rock Hotel, we get FOTL access at Universal. Of course, at Disney that is not possible. The only option available at Disney to help with long lines, is FastPass, but FastPass will not be as enjoyable as FOTL. Another consideration for us is that we are going at the end of June and the lines and heat will be awful. If you are going in September, you will not experience the same crowds as summer. However, I still think it would be better to do Disney first and have FOTL at Universal to look forward to.

I think you will want more days for Disney than Universal.

I hope this is helpful
Thanks! I thought about the same thing too! I'm afraid that we may get spoiled using the FOTL first then moving to Disney. I also was thinking that since HRH is a deluxe hotel, then going to PO moderate resort, that we might not enjoy PO as much. Did you try to see if you can change your ressies? Is it kind of too late? Thanks again for your opinion.

Anyne else out there doing the split? I'd like to hear more on this one and which one are you doing first and why? Thanks!
We're going the end of June, and we're splitting---5 nights at PO (French) and 3 nights at HRH. Originally, we had planned just to stay at WDW the entire trip, rent a car and see USF/IOA on day trips. But I got a USF fan club discount card at work and was able to save 30% on the HRH; since HRH now only costs $10 more per night than PO, it's just cheaper to switch hotels than to rent a car. Then, I found out about the FOTL for on-site guests, and HRH looked better and better! We'll see how it goes!! :D
Hi Amy! That's where we're staying also at PO-FQ! I'm thinking of 4 nights there (or maybe 3), then moving over to HRH for 3 nights (or 4).

Is doing Disney first better or HRH first? What was your reason to decide to do Disney first? Thanks!

Anyone else splitting their stay? Which one are you doing first and why is it better? Thanks!
I did try to change the ressies, but I booked the HRH using my Entertainment card (got a rate of $129 for a poolview. Unfortunately, the Entertainment rate was sold out for the days I wanted to switch to. Even though I'd love to do Disney first, it isn't worth the big difference in $$$.
Other than convience, I've never really seen any benefit to stay onsite at Disney. FOTL made me consider staying onsite at Universal. If I do visit both Disney and Universal, then I generally stay offsite.
Thanks Barry Hom! This is the reason why I want to try this resort is for FOTL and HRH looks like a wonderful place to stay, it's a deluxe resort. Once we try this resort, I have a feeling there is no going back to Disney to stay. I just wish there would be more pictures of HRH out there for me to see. Oh well. I'm sure we will like hotel a lot. Most of the reviews I have read is mostly positive ones. :cool:
In August we're staying at BWV for 5 nights then moving to PBH for 2 nights. I am debating about whether to change from PBH to HRH since I would save more money but I think I am going to leave it alone. I can't wait to try out FOTL access.
:bounce: We are going to WDW in one week and are staying 5 nights at All Star Mov first, then Hard Rock for 2 nights. FOTL access from what I understand is priceless. Have a great time, I know my family will!
Myself, DH, DS 10, DS 6, and DD 1 are staying at the HRH 5 nights and then are moving over to ASMo for 14 nights in 206 days
15 days to go!

We're leaving in 15 days and doing ASMovies for 5 nights then HRH for 3 nights. Can't remember why we choose this order, I think it just happened that way but after reading all the boards here it is definitely a good plan! The HRH will certainly be a step up from the ASMovies and we're REALLY looking forward to FOTL!

Thanks everyone for responding! I'm still thinking of doing Disney first and then USF last. I love Disney a lot and I hope going from Disney to USF is not a let down, BUT how could it be if I'm going from moderate resort to a deluxe resort AND from waiting in line (sometimes even if you have a FastPass in your hand) to FOTL. How could I go wrong doing it this way, I can't go wrong.

Anyone else out there doing a split? Which one are you going first and why? Thanks! :p
Hmmmm, I posted on this same subject just a couple of weeks ago. I'm splitting between HRH and OKW. Going to HRH first because Disney's value season starts two days after we arrive and they wanted to charge us regular season rate for the entire stay. So, we got the Entertainment rate for 2 nights at HRH, then check in to OKW November 4 for 8 nights
Staying 2 nights at HRH, then 4 nights at Animal Kingdom Lodge. We leave in 4 days - can't wait!
As far as doing Disney first because of FOTL - that's a minor consideration in my opinion. I'm just thankful to be going, the rest is peanuts!
Rash - when you get back, please let us know your opinion of HRH! We're going in June (AKL first, then either PBH or HRH last - can't make up my mind!). Let us know about room size and pool, and FOTL, etc. PLEASE!! Thanks:D
Grumpy, When are you going in June? I was just wondering, because HRH is sold out for several days at the end of June. I was unable to get any type of discount for this time.

Good luck!

Hi Kim - I just made ressies within the last couple days for both PBH and HRH (now I need to decide!). The first time I called Universal reservations, they told me both hotels were sold out (June 25-28 are dates I'm looking at). Then I got some hints by reading these boards. Got on and - they both had rooms for HRH and PBH, but rack rate for the lower end rooms. Then I got on and got a $174.90 rate for a garden view room at HRH. Not as cheap as Entertainment, but better than the $205 rack rate. The PBH room I reserved directly thru Universal. The second time I called back, I asked about Entertainment rates there - nothing doing, but after I asked if there were any special rates, she offered the deluxe pool view room for $229. So I've booked both and now I need to decide. I want the bigger room at PBH (there are 5 of us), and my teenager wants HRH, of course!:rolleyes:
We split our stay last year - 5 days WDW and 5 days Universal.

This year we will be doing the same 3 days WDW and 5 days Universal.

Last year we stayed at Portofino in a kids suite and this year we will be staying at Hard Rock in a kids suite again.

This year my kids didn't even care if returned to Disney, they just wanted to return to Universal for one thing only - FOTL access! That's why, IMHO, it is impt. to visit WDW first and Universal second. You will be sooooo spoiled by the FOTL priviledge!!!

Hope this helps!:bounce:


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