Anyone on the February 27th 4 night Wonder?


DIS Veteran
Aug 30, 2000
DH (41) and I (36) are cruising with our two kids DD (17) and DS (7) after 9 days at Disney. Any other's out there?
My mom, sister and I are all going. This is the first post I have found for this date, I was beginning to wonder if anyone else was cruising.
My mom, myself (32) and my son (2) will also be cruising Feb 27th on the Wonder. This will be our first cruise and we are extremely excited! We have been planning and getting ready for this cruise for about 7 months now. :flower1:
My husband, myself and our 3 yr old son are going on this date. We too have been planning this for quite a while. This is our 1st cruise and our son's 4th birthday will be the day we are in the Bahamas. We are so excited! We live in Michigan, so we will definitely need a break from the weather.
You guys who haven't been are in for a treat! We cruised the 7 Day Eastern on the Magic back in 2002 and it was one of (if not the best) the best times we've ever had. My DS was 4 at that time and he had a BLAST! It sounds like you all are just as EXCITED as I am.
Me (20), my sister (12) and my mom are going. This is the second cruise for my mom and I and a first for my sister. Our first cruise ever was on the Disney Wonder in September. We are also from Michigan and will definately be needing a break from the weather as well!
I hear ya! We are from Minnesota are also looking forward to the winter break. My son will be 2 and 3/4 at cruise time, so we don't plan on using the club facilities. I do plan on going to the club area and playing with him there a couple times a day though.
In Nassau we are planning on taking the bus to Wyndham Resort. We're going to use their pool, casino, restaurants and beach area. Anyone else have the same idea? :flower1:
I'm really indecisive about this. We were planning on going to Atlantis. We have a room booked at the Comfort Suites but I am really second guessing this now in favor of the Catamaran Snorkel (we're snorkelers-even my little one) and then just relaxing on the beach. GavinsMom, can you tell me why you chose Wyndham??? We will also be needing a break from winter but we're on the other side being about 30 minutes from Salt Lake City but it is already so cold and we seem to be in a pattern of snow storms also. Can't wait to get warm!
Because it's FREE, FREE, FREE! Sorry, but I'm really excited to use all their great facilities and not spend tons of money doing it. They have waterslides at their pool and a great beach, etc. I have talked to many many people that have gone there and done this. They allow it because they are hoping that you'll spend money in their casino or at their restaurants. If you don't want to take a bus there, you can take a taxi for $5 a person.
We plan on spending the entire day having fun there! :flower1:
Myself,DW,DD11 & DS 5 will be on this cruise too.The kids want to feed the stingrays.Does anyone have any experience with Stingray City or Blackbeard's Cay.This will be our first cruise and we are really excited about it.
Not on Nassau. Can't help you there but we have been out to Stingray City on the sandbar in Grand Cayman and have also swam with them at Discovery Cove. My DS was 4 at the time and it was fabulous. A really cool experience. I think that's a great idea if that is what you guys want to do.
Have any of you done this Cruise in February/March before? I wondering what the weather is going to be like?
What kind of clothes are the rest of you packing? Shorts? Sweatshirts? Both?
:flower1: :flower: :flower1:
We've cruised in late February/Early March before. Weather was perfect the entire time except for Embarkation when it rained. The day we docked at Castaway Cay it was a little overcast first thing but quickly warmed up and the sun came out to a glorious day. The seas were 8-13 ft except for one day when they were very calm. We packed mostly summer stuff and wore it but we covered all the bases with long pants and a couple warmer tops, a sweater, and hoodie. The day of Embarkation, I wore a pair of lightweight capris with a spaghetti strap top. It was cooler so I had my jacket too. Prepare for warm with a little cool thrown in and don't overpack!
I was wondering what to pack.
Has anybody used the spa on the ship? I was wondering if it is worth the cost. I do love to pamper myself since it doesn't happen too often.
We are in the middle of a snow storm today. As you can imagine, I am really excited about this trip!!
We are packing for summer weather-might throw in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt just in case. One thing I learned from my last cruise was the kids almost lived in their bathing suits. I packed them two each(who wants to put on a wet suit-YUCK!) I really overpacked. Can't wait to cruise!!!!
Yippeee, I too am excited coming from NH, the cold and grey state!!! Myself, princess: , Hubby pirate: , and DD 7 :cheer2:

We are flying a a day early, only flights I could get, and anxiously awaiting this trip... I am planning this all myself as it is a Surprize for my daughter, she knows nothing about it, and Hubby said "Sure Whatever" typical guy during a football game response!

I have read everything on these boards, and know I am WAY overpacked!!! Even got my sea bands just in case! I am wicked psycked, and still have questions about the Clubs for DD, the Shows, and CC...

See you there!!!

DH and I used the spa on our prior DCL cruise. Although the only things we did were the Surial (couples mud bath) and the Rain Forest room. Both were enjoyable. Loved the heated tile loungers in the Rain Forest and the showers. Loved the showers.


I can try and help you with any of your questions about Kids Club. My DS is your DD's age. He'll be 7 1/2 when we cruise. We have also seen all the shows except for the new Golden Mickey's. Disney Dreams is a must! Also, have your DD participate in the farewell show the last day. All the kiddos get a t-shirt and I know it's totally lame but if your a softheart like me, it will make you cry. Bring a kleenex! ::yes::
Oh yeah, I'm the kleenex queen! Last year we visited MK, and as the train pulled up in the AM to open I was standing there all wet eyed! Then when I saw Cinderella at Dinner... :laughing: HAHAHAH. never mind, lets just say I'm highly emotional!!!

I have tons of questions regarding the Oceaneers Club, and the Spa treatments.
Some say the Clubs are great, others post that the kids were bored! I was also wondering if I made Reservations for Palo, what to do for her dinner. Room Service? Ah so many questions, only a few weeks to go!!!

And what is the weather temps in late Feb/March???
Trying to pack already!
I have to hide behind dark glasses walking down Mainstreet first thing in the morning. DD likes to tease me about it.

Kids liking the clubs. It all just really depends on your child. My DS (4 at the time) really never got into it. He did attend but ended up paging us to come and get him. Don't let that discourage you though. At least have her try it. DS is actually excited to attend this time. Maybe it will be a different experience since he's a little older now.

For DD's dinner. You can do a "double dip" and eat at both your regular rotation with DD then do Palo or she can eat with club or you can feed her at either of the snack bars on deck 10. There are definitely options.

Spa Treatments. Have only done the two. Both were fun and enjoyable but I think we'll spend our time elsewhere this trip.

Temps. We mostly wore shorts and T's. Just make sure to at least pack one warmer outfit. Jeans, hoodie or sweater. Water temps at Castaway Cay were much cooler for us then in any of the Carribean islands we've been to at that time of year. Don't overpack! You probably will but don't. Oh, the over the door shoe holder was a great help last time. We plan on bringing it again.

Here's to calm wind and smooth sailing!


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