Anyone looking to share fishing excurison from OKW


The only thing better then one week at WDW is TWO
Jul 26, 2000
DW and I will be going down 5/11/01 thru 5/20/01 to OKW. I am looking to share a early
morning bass fishing excursion for 5/12/01 from OKW. I have gone a couple of times and
had very good luck. Biggest one ever caught 5.4lbs large mouth by downtown disney.
I am 34 if that matters.

Scott :) :)
We probably won't join you for fishing, but just wanted to say "Hi Neighbor!!" We'll be at OKW from May 11-20!!!! Our first trip with DVC points! YIPPIE! We are both 33 if that matters ;)

Do you have any kids?

ohiominnie :p
Sure wish our dates had coordinated. We just got back and had been looking for someone to share a fishing trip with so it wouldn't be so expensive. 2 hours isn't a very long time, especially when you are catching fish. We went by ourselves anyway since my bass fishing husband had to get his "fish fix". We took our 6 year old and our guide was Jim. He was excellent and a bass fisherman himself - even when not at Disney. We prob. caught about 20 - 25 fish , all nice size and it was one of the best times of the trip. Jim knew where to go to catch fish and he was great with my son.( And he even taught me how to cast, a feat that my husband would not undertake! ) Hope you find someone to take the trip and have a great time. You WILL catch fish!:bounce:
Just think of this little green guy as a bass jumping out of water!
Wow what a great idea to share the fishing excursion. I have been doing this excursion for years and many times there were only two of us on board. We will be going to OKW after our May 19 cruise and we do have our fishing excursion booked. This time there are three couples.... Only hope they let the 6th person onboard... Only 5 of us fish and they always let the 6th one on for the ride. But you never know.....
Enjoy your trip and good luck fishing.....
Have you ever fished at OKW...... I have caught some real nice bass offshore.
DVC Members since May, 1993
Hey guy's, thanks for the replys. yes it can be expensive. Last trip, back in August, just
my father and I went. It was wounderful. We have been fishing together since I was
5 or 6 years old. Now I have gotten him hooked on surf fishing, we live in Jersey. ohio,
to answer your question, none yet, but one on the way. Anyhoot, everybody have a
great time. Maybe we can set up a minnie dis meet. My DW and I will be spending our
first day at the main pool 5/12/01.

Scott and Peg :) :)
Just call the Disney reservations line and they will connect you to the fishing
docks where they will make your reservations for you..
You may want to ask before your fishing trip if they re-instituted the fishing trip off
property where the lake was stocked will all very large bass... I am talking
5 pounders and up....(they were supposed to add some smaller just
so people were catching fish).
When I made my reservations they told me that this excursion was discontinued
because of transportation issues and I should ask before I left because you never know
when the program will start up again
Have fun and Good luck
DVC Members since May 1993


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