Anyone heard about Star Wars weekends?


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Jan 31, 2000
They are not having it this year at MGM! Disney said that it wasn't cost effective or something. So sad too, I wanted to go so bad. Disney is just cutting costs left and right!
Thats upsetting! I could of gotten my Dh to go for sure!
That's too bad, we were there one year for that and it was really cool, the guy who played Chewbacca was there and it was neat seeing him!;) :D
How do I break the news to DS?:( That's too bad!
This really bums me out. Piglet203 and I were going to go to MGM the first day we are in WDW (May 25) and I looked forward to going to my first Star Wars Weekend. I'm a huge Star Wars fanatic. I just don't get this. The new movie, Episode II, is coming out in mid-May and Disney seems to think that it won't generate any money from Star Wars Weekends?

How true is this rumor?

I worked at Star Tours merchandise shop until a month ago. My manager was the big planner into the event. He spent so much time on poster designs and stuff. Well he went to a meeting and they told him they weren't gonna have it this year. He was really upset about it. I was there when he came back from the meeting. So it's pretty reliable. So unless they've changed there minds since a month ago then there still is no Star Wars weekends.
What an incredibly STUPID Year to not do Star Wars Weekends.

I've heard a lot of stupid cost cutting plans at Disney lately. but cutting Star Wars the Year of a Star Wars Movie? DUMB!!!
We are huge Star Wars fans, and were able to go for a Star Wars Weekend last year and absolutely loved everything about it. Why does Disney cut out the things that make their parks special? I know that it might not be "cost-effective", but sometimes you just do things that you are able to do because other parks CAN"T. I am sad for the people who wanted to go this year. Things like Star Wars Weekends are what makes WDW special. They need to realize this.
I hope that there is going to be Stars Wars weekends. We are going in May mainly for this. They have already taken away early entry and e-nights. What else are they going to take away?
This was to be our first Star Wars weekend visit. DD12 is very upset. He and his friends are very much into Star Wars and was very much looking forward to attending. Since this is our first Disney cruise also, hopefully this will make up for this loss.

Too bad!
If it's true, it just shows the complete stupidity of the penny pinching accountants that run this company today. You have a new Star Wars film, you need to boost travel to your parks, and you cancel the promotion that would have brought droves of Star Wars fans, especially with the tie-in with the Episode II. You really wonder where this company is going? What a shame.
For all of you that were going to WDW for the Star Wars weekend, just cancel your trip and go another time. The only way the Disney idiots will figure it out is if nobody shows up that weekend. Stay home and go see Episode II several times.

If nobody or at least there is a significant dropoff in attendance from last year then maybe they will bring it back next year.
Why not a big email campaign? Something like, "if you cancel this weekend, I'm cancelling my trip."

Don't think for a minute that Disney does not respond to pressure sometimes. It may not be too late.

The addresses are on the top of the rumors page. Good luck!
I'm surprised at this information. I can see scaling back on the festivities, but not canceling the whole thing. I have already seen some of the prototype pins for the 2002 Star Wars Weekends. I'll have to look into this a little deeper I guess.
I heard about this a few months back. I had hoped it was wrong. I liked the pins that were released the last two years.
This just doesn't make sense! Having been at Star Wars Weekends for the past two years and remember the crowds, the lines, etc for all the activites, for them to say "not cost effective" just doesn't make sense. Compare park attendance on the weekends before and after, consider increased admissions, food and drink sales, merchandise sales, face painting, etc.....unless their cost were truly outragous, it had to be a money maker.
It may be a case of supply vs. demand. Supply being the time those associated with Star Wars are willing to give and demand being the number of outlets and conventions approaching them. The Star Wars Celebration in Indianapolis is one of those weekends -- May 3-5 -- but direct competition timewise may not even be the case. If I were one of the actors, I can't say I would want to spend too many weekends attending every appearance requested of me, even if one of those is Disney. To get people like Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) or David Prowse (Darth Vader), it very well may have become "not cost effective," especially with the economy today.

And, as if you couldn't guess from my screen name, I wish that weren't the case.
Got my new Disney Magazine in the mail today. Star Wars Weekends are NOTlisted in the May schedule of events. The last two years they've been listed. So I guess they really aren't having them. :(
DH and I caught the Phantom Menace premiere at AMC at Downtown Disney. It was awesome! We're going again this May for Attack of the Clones. It's tough to believe that they're cancelling it on this release year. Oh well. We'll still have fun anyway.


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