Anyone ever stay in Venice (Italy)?


<font color=33CC99>Still waiting for "the talk"<br
Jan 29, 2000
DH said he was taking me to Venice for our anniversary in October and I am looking for hotel recommendations. I have been to Venice 3 times in the past, but we have always stayed outside the city and this time I would like to me in the city. So if there is anyone out there who has been, where have you stayed?

or as our old "office manager" once said, "You mean Venice the country?" :rolleyes:
Try these:

Hotel les Fenice et des Artistes

Hotel San Marco

Hotel Bisanzio

Pallazzo Schiavonia

Hotel Giorgione

Cavelletto e Doge Orseolo

Splendid Suisse

Savoia and Jolanda

Don't skip checking on the Deluxe Hotels-
tourism is down and you could find some good(relative term)
prices at the-
Gritti Palace
Bauer Il Palazzo

October is a busy month-check and reserve now
to find any leftover specials.
Never been to Venice, but we are planning a trip for September of 2003.

I've narrowed it down to 2 choices: The Hotel Concordia, Hotel Savoia & Jolanda. I know September is a busy month but I'm also hoping for a deal.

Would like to hear about your stay when you return.

We are planning a 21 day trip. Rome, Venice, Florence, Siena, San Gimignano some of the other Tuscany Towns. Visiting the relatives in the north then driving down the Amalfi Coast visiting the Islands of Capri, Ischia and Sicily
When I went with a group when I was in college we stayed at a youth hostel. Not what I would recommend under the circumstances. ;)

I'd love to hear about your trip and where you stayed. Have a great time.
Thanks for the link Mamu.

And Shortbun, thanks for the suggestions. I have been checking them all out. I didn't realize October was high season, I thought Carnivale in February would be high season, but I forgot, the boat regatta is in October, so that may explain it. Maybe if we have no luck we can just wait until November, after 16 years of being married I am used to having put things off. I just wonder what the weather is like in November. Anyone know?

Any other recommendations out there?

No suggestions, but I wanted to thank you for your help with my trip to Rome earlier this year. I had PM"d you a few times before we went, but I don't think I ever said thank you after our trip. So thanks:bounce: . It was a great trip! Make sure you post about Venice if you go, my mom and I had such a good time in Rome, and that's where we want to go next!
Hi Jaimee! So glad you had such a good trip. You are very welcome for the information, I hope it was useful for your trip.

Sorry I don't have a hotel suggestion but I can recommend a tour book. When I took a whirlwind British Isles trip with a tour group I found The Complete Idiots Guide to Planning Your Trip to Europe to be pretty helpful. I got the book before I had known of Rick Steve's books and tv show. This book is a good basic book. I hope you have a fantastic time in Venice!
Wish I could say I have's near the top of my list of places to see "one day".

My teenage boys have been, though. They went on a trip with my parents last summer and they loved Venice. They stayed at the Gritti Palace ($$$$) and the pictures they brought back of the place look fabulous.

Hope you have a wonderful trip!
Thanks everyone!!!!

bsnyder, I hear the Gritti Palace is awesome, however as you mentioned it is very, very $$$$$$$$$$. A little more than we want to spend. Glad your boys were able to enjoy it though.



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