Anyone ever get hotel specials through CRO that aren't on thru DC?

Simba's Mom

<font color=green>everything went to "H*** in a ha
Aug 26, 1999
I just got off the phone with DC, and they weren't aware of any specials, especially at AKL, for June. Neither at WL nor BC. Has anyone found out about specials that can only be booked whrough CRO and not DC. DC certainly didn't seem like any bargain!
I have received good prices through CRO without DC (or MKC) or APs, but they are few and far between. What I have always done is call weekly in the beginning, sometimes moving it up to daily to get a price that I want. If the first CM isn't accommodating, I simply hang up and dial again. It's rare to have the same CM answer the phone twice.

I got a postcard with a great rate for the AKL and when I called to revise my DxL (or PO Riverside) dates for late July, the CM offers (I know, I was shocked) a GREAT rate for the Beach Club only a little bit more than the DxL rate - in peak season! I know there is some construction going on there with the new Villas, but wow - I am SO looking forward to staying the in the Beach Club resort - especially with 3 teenagers, the pool, the theming and the bigger room will be TERRIFIC!!

Offsite 9/81
Offsite 5/92
Offsite 6/94
Y&BC 9/95
CS 12/97
CBR 12/98
DxL 12/99
DxL 12/00
BC & 4-nite Cruise 7/01 - Can't WAIT!!



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