anyone ever find any deep discounts for grand floridian


DIS Veteran
Jul 30, 2000
i have been looking for awhile for a price under 200.00 there but have had no luck, any one out there have any ideas, any AP holders know what that price is? thanks
Not under $200, but I did have a reservation for Feb 9th (I had to change my dates) for $214. I was pretty happy about that. I know that there are some good deals starting April 21st, have you called CRO?
no that would be so great though!1 Any discounts at GF is great because GF is so eexpensive per night
Last year the lowest rate I saw for the GF at $199 (standard view with an annual pass rate). This year $219 seems to be the best rate I have seen posted. Still an excellent rate for the best hotel at WDW.

We recieved a great rate during a threatened hurricane!$199.00 with a view of the castle.Hurricane never materialized,the weather was beautiful!!:jester:
I stayed at the GF last month for $99 a nite, but that was an upsell. I was originally booked at the CS and Disney called and asked to switch me to the GF or the AKL at the same rate as CS. I chose GF, stayed in a dormer room in Big Pine Key and loved every moment. That week it was 85 and sunny.
yes, there are deep discounts offered at the GF often! the lowest I got was $226, that was a last minute added on night while we were already there!!! we were in a lv room, and wanted to stay an extra night, but lv rooms were all sold out for the next day, but they had a gv room, with an AP discount we paid $226. (this was last Jan.)
that was a great rate, but I have seen rates last yr also for $199 for a gv room at the GF. so far this year they havent released as deep of discounts as last year, but you should still be able to get a room in the mid 200's, about a 30% discount.

I got a rate of $199.00 per night for the Christmas Holiday this past year. Probably the best I'll ever see the GF! Actually though, after staying there twice, I'm now ready to try other resorts like Boardwalk and Yacht Club. Not to mention Contemporary and Wilderness Lodge.
aahmom1, how did you get the $214/night rate? Is that before or after taxes? DH and I are going to stay at the GF from 5/11 to 5/18 in a garden view room for $229/night before taxes. I would love to try to get a better rate :) TIA!


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