Anyone else frustrated about state/career discounts?


Earning My Ears
Jan 11, 2001
Is anyone else frustrated/confused about discounts on resorts/tickets, etc for residents of certain states or people in certain jobs? Doesn't make sense to me--my Mississippi money earned in my non-qualifying job spends just as good as the money from the "special" states and special jobs--the one that makes the least sense is the $99 4 day Hopper for Fla residents--seems like they are least likley to need special enticement to come to WDW--many of them wouldn't have to travel far and are less likley to stay in Disney's hotels. Oh well--it's only money--Excuse my venting.
I live in WV. PA is only 15 minutes away and I'm also surrounded by states with Discount Codes. I'm getting very frustrated with the special qualifications for a good rate.
Some codes have no restrictions. I live in SC and don't have the right type of job but I was able to use 1 of the codes and got substantial savings on my upcoming May trip.

I checked the code page today and there are several that have no restrictions. You might want to call and check it out. ;)
Yes, I Know there are SOME codes that don't depend on residency,etc but most seem to-I have been checking the codes on the resort board but none have worked for me--either wrong dates or they are already sold out.

Also Swan/Dolphin seem to have lots of discounts that are career dependent--why?

I just wish they'd make it simpler and offer a certain number of rooms, passes, whatever at a first/come first serve basis to EVERYONE. Seems like it would be a lot easier on the CM at CRO and Disney Travel too.
I have paid for the DC. I am an AP holder -- so I can get some discounts, but probably not the $49 rate or the great rates some get at the Swan and Dolphin or through SOG. I'm not Hispanic. I'm not in the military. I don't live in PA. But, I don't really care. Disney is about making money. I'm not gonna cry if I don't get that special postcard ALL the other AP holders seem to get. It's all about marketing for Disney. If Disney were getting lots of PA people to the parks before, they wouldn't have advertised that way. Maybe if more people in Mississippi wouldn't go as often, Disney would offer more discounts as an enticement. ;)

You might not like the reason, but there is method to the madness. I would like to be eligible for more, but I don't begrudge those that are or Disney for trying to fill the parks. I like to get even with Disney by milking lots of different discounts as much as I can. :) Bargains are a passion for me-- but mostly so I can get more bang for my buck, not so I spend less overall.

I'll never get a postcard at this rate because Disney knows I am addicted and will be there anyway.
I noticed you posted this on the Resorts board as well. Yes, it can be fustrating. But on these boards it has caused alot of unfriendly debate. And the point of these boards is to help each other. They finaly found the 'rate site' and posted it on the top of the page. There is not anything any of us can do about what Disney does.

I am NOT trying to be mean. But I think sence the board now gives us a site to check rates/codes things have gotten back on track.

I would say your best bet would be to get an AP as well as a DC card. And keep your eye on the rates using the site on top of this page. I have usualy managed to find some sort of discount to help me out.

PLEASE. PLEASE, PLEASE, dont take this wrong. That is not my INTENTION AT ALL!!! I totaly understand your fustration. Perhaps if you do a search on 'codes' and look at some previous threads you will know exactly what I am saying. Almost every point of view on this subjuect has been analized and beaten to death. And usualy it got UGLY!!!
To WVJules

I too live in WV in the tri-state area and both my daughter (who does not have an AP nor is a member of DC) got a special rate post card this week for the $89 moderate discount (proof of residency). My grandson got a special AP post card a couple of weeks ago for discounts at the resorts too (AP must be shown upon checkin). So I do know 2 people under different circumstances that both got Post cards for different specials here in West Virginia. But mind you, I'm an AP holder and did not get the post card for AP holders. Just can't figure out why some folks get them and some do not. Oh, my co-worker, who lives in Maryland also got a post card for resort discounts. She is not a DC member nor a AP holder, but she did order the video recently.


<font color=3300ff>PO/Riverside 5/01
Dixie Landing 11/00, 9/00, 8/00, 1/00, 10/99, 10/98, 6/94
All Star Sport 10/01,5/00, 12/99
All Star Music 7/01, 4/01, 4/00, 5/99, 5/97, 5/96, 4/95
All Star Movie 11/00, 4/99
Caribbean Beach 5/96, 11/90, 5/89
Coronado Spring 5/98
Wilderness Lodge 7/99, 11/95
WDW Hotel Village 10/87
Disneyland 5/86
I understand your frustration. If you can be flexible with your dates you'll have a better chance of good rates. Of course, not everyone can do that.

I'd suggest that you
(1)Keep calling every few days.
(2)Make a list of all possible dates you have available and if there are any "codes" that fit those dates.
(3)Ask if there is ever a "Mississippi" special rate during the year. Ask the CRO to search for it. Find out the dates because you may find that it's during a time you could go.
(4) My best recommendation is...Ask for different lengths of stay. ex: you plan on staying 7 nights. Ask for 7 nights. If it is not available. Ask for any number of nights (2/3/4/5/6) with various arrival dates. (4 nights with the arrival date being 3 days after you arrive in the area) You may have to split your stay b/t resorts, but it could save you $$$ in the long run. Plus, it's fun to try different locations. At this point, be direct and tell them what you are looking for. If the CRO seems clueless, nicely say thank you and call again. Some are extremely helpful and know the registration system well so that they can hunt for things and tell you what you are eligible for.
Good Luck! I too hate to pay rack rates when there are special rates available floating around that I can't get hold of. Again, Good Luck and keep trying various things. :)
S/D is basically using the career rates as a marketing tool. Anyone can get the same rates (a little more for the lowest priced rooms) with an AP and similar rates with the Entertainment Card.
As far as I know any AP holder (even those who didn't get the postcard) can get the AP rates.
Disney always had special deals for FL residents to help fill up the hotels during the slow seasons. A lot of what's going on isn't new, we just didn't know about it.

[This message was edited by Lewisc on 04-09-01 at 12:51 PM.]
This is for n2mm, I'am in WV also and I have a AP and DC card. In years past, I have gotten a postcard in the mail with discount codes but I have not gotten one in years and we go to WDW at least once a year sometimes more. Would you e-mail me a and share the codes or discounts for WV? I'am planning a trip the end of June and the first week in July. If I would happen to get any kind of discount card for our state I'd be glad to share it with anyone who would like it. I'am waiting to see if they have the AP rate for my dates of travel, if they don't then I guess I'll keep what I have on hold, every cent counts big time at disney.THANKS
Personally, I'm waiting for an unemployed stay-at-home mom discount. Like the teachers we're really in need of a $$$ break! :)

Jennifer Yo go girlfriend! I am all for those rates! but how could we prove we are stay at home moms? :D

<img height="200" src="">
<font size="4"><font color="purple"><font face="Book Antiqua">
<marquee> Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm hunting wabbits!!! </marquee><font></font></font>

Could someone give me more info on this. I live in VA is there a discount for this state and what kind of jobs?

Angela /VA ºoº
Let me see. Maybe you could produce your wardrobe (not updated since 1985), or your 1992 mini-van or your kid's school could send in your volunteer log, I have my Girl Scout leader card, my Boy Scout den mother card, testimonials from all the teachers I have "subbed" (ie no-pay) for, board member status for the local Jr. ballet company, pictures from all the school trips I've chaperoned (you have not experienced life on the edge until you've taken 54 13 year olds with hormones a-raging on an overnighter!) or a testimonial from every working friend whose sick child I have kept in my home. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against working moms. I owe too much to too many teachers and delivery room nurses for that. I just want to stay in a deluxe resort for $99!

Jennifer, who usually camps in her 1964 camper at Ft. Wilderness and is usually grateful to do it!
I'm a DoD employee, but I do understand your frustration. Have understood it all day while trying to get a good rate and they were all at a time of year I cant get off work to go, or the kids are in school. All it took was one step further and a phone call to get MY good deal. Maybe yours is around the corner to be found :)
As for Shades of Green - the rates are based on salary, so really do benefit people who make less money. This is especially good for the low-grade military who typically spend weeks/months away from their family working 24/7 and cant afford an extravagant vacation. Maybe the rest of us dont deserve it, but they do! I have dedicated my career to making their lives easier in any way I can - does that make me deserving? I dunno, but I know I took an oath to be faithful to my country too, and if that means I can save a few $$ at Disney its not hurting anyone.

Hope you find a great deal and get to vacation away your frustration soon!
You're so right, and I should be ashamed as both my father (Korea) and father in law (WWII) are vets. My best friend grew up as an Air Force brat so I know the price they pay: low wages and constant reassignments (and changing of schools)in addition to putting their lives on the line when called upon. My friend's dad was a bomber pilot in Vietnam and deserves every perk he can get.



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