Anyone done E- night with younger children?


Trying to earn my PhDVC!
Jan 25, 2002
DH and I would love to do an E-night during our June trip. Has anyone ever done this with younger children? Our children are 8, 6 and 7mos.

I wouldn't hesitate to leave the older kids at something like the Neverland club, but the baby can't go. I'm not sure I feel comfortable having an in room sitter with one so little.

What would you suggest? I guess we could put the baby in her stroller and she would sleep thru the whole thing. How have you seen 6 & 8 yr. olds handeling an e-nite that starts at 10:00?

Thanks :)
We did a 10-1 Enight with our then 7 year old. He went strong until about 12:30 then in the space of about 5 minutes was fast asleep. We had a blast, and will do it again in June.
We've been doing e-night for years. My son was 4 years old when we first started going. The trick to a successful e-night, for us anyway, is to take it easy that afternoon. If it's going to be a very late e-night, we also will all (adults included) take a nap so that we'll be able to stay awake and nobody will be cranky (believe me that goes for mom and dad too!).

During those early years, my son would not ride any of the mountains and you know what, we still had a blast!! My daughter and I would ride all the coasters over and over and my son and my husband had the best time ever just riding Buzz Lightyear and the other minor rides. I think they rode Buzz something like 8 times in a row!!

Of course this worked for us because my husband doesn't really love the coasters anyway, but you could still trade off with the baby on the coasters and manage to do everything multiple times. Plus the baby will be able to ride Haunted Mansion, Country Bear Jamboree, Buzz Lightyear, Tomorrowland Transit Authority and maybe Astro Orbiter (not sure about that one). And don't forget that the characters are out in full force during e-nights as well. We've had some of the best character interaction on e-nights. My kids will play with a particular character for 10-15 minutes, simply because there is nobody else around!

As long as everyone is well-rested, you will have a fantastic time. :)

Have fun!
We started doing E nights with a 6 month old and a 4 year old. The baby just slept in the stroller the entire time and we took turns doing rides with the 4 year old. He loved it!! Now at the age of 8 he's a veteran of enights!!!
since he was an infant.

He would not miss them for the World.

We Love Enight we can ride Buzz over & over & over & over

Mal:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

WDW here we come!!!!!
And we'll do it again this June too. Enight was great. Our 5 yo DD had a blast riding all the ride with Dh and I taking turns. The 18 mo baby was asleep in her stroller after a couple of runs on Buzz Lightyear. It was awesome!!


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