Anybody Stay at the Hilton Suites?


DIS veteran
Aug 29, 1999
Has anyone stayed at this hotel?

I just scored the Hilton Suites on Priceline for my birthday in April for only $24 per night. The hotel looks nice ... all are 2 room suites with a free breakfast and a shuttle to Disneyland. The downside is that I've read that I really don't want to walk around the hotel since it's not in the best of neighborhoods and it appears to be rather far away from Disnyland.

-- Robin
I stayed there a few years ago. It's a very nice place, the breakfast is great (I got a made-to-order omelette, usually), the shuttle service worked fine, and from some rooms you can even see the Disneyland fireworks.

It is not in a good neighborhood, but it doesn't really matter because there's nothing nearby you would want to walk to either.

--- Mark


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