Anybody cruise with kids and not use childcare?


DIS Veteran
Jul 6, 2000
I have 2 DD ages 5 and 2. I probably wouldn't hesitate to put them in the club if they were going to be together, but I just can't picture leaving them with strangers and them not knowing anyone. I think that we can do the trip without using the care although I would like to maybe try Palo one night? I just wondered what other people have experienced with the trip if they chose not to use childcare. I think my 5 year old would enjoy the club, but my 2 almost 3 year old would be miserable without her. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I can't get over feeling guilty about the thought of leaving them alone in a strange situation without each other.
We did!
My DSs were 3 1/2, and 8 months. The 3 1/2 yr old didnt want to go to the clubs so we didnt force him. I didnt feel right leaving my infant with strangers so he didnt go to the nursery. We did have my family along, and my parents took the kids for the hour that we did the surial mud bath. Other than that it was a family vacation and we still had fun.
That said, DH & I are going back alone this summer, to do all the things we didnt get to do the first time around. ;)

Im sure you will have a great time with the kids.
If you think that your five year old would enjoy some of the activities in the club, you are always welcome to stay with them in the clubs if you'd like. I wouldn't worry about leaving your kids with strangers - Just keep them with you and have a memorable family vacation! Maybe the next time you cruise and the children are older you can then enjoy the adults only areas. Kids are little for such a small amount of time in our lives.......... Enjoy that time to its fullest!:)

Just in case you might decide you want to try Palo's later in the week --- I would reserve the spot at Flounders and make the Palo ressie as soon as possible(check your navigator as soon as you board) --- it can always be cancelled later in the week. Your children might surprise you -- and enjoy the clubs/flouders. You will probably get to talk to other parents with kids close to your in age after you are on board and hear some pretty rave comments on the childcare, and wish that you had reserved a time.
This Nov Im planning on leaving the kids club entirely up to my DS who will be 10.5 at the time. If he wants to go fine. If not then thats okay too.
When we boarded the ship, we enrolled our children 5 and 3 in the center. We thought it was the thing to do. However, our children chose to stay with us, and we had a very memorable vacation. In fact, we are returning again this year...just the four of us.

Enjoy your trip and your family!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
wovenwonder, are the kids clubs open to adults visiting all the time or at just certain times of the day. I am also assuming that my 2 year old would not be able to go even if I was there, right? Just wondering in case we wanted to try it out.
I am also interested in the answer to ErinC's question. I'm sure that our DS(4.9) would enjoy the club, but our DD(2.5) might feel left out. Can I or my DW stay with them at the club at any time during the cruise or are there only special times for this?

Your 2yo won't be able to join in with the Club's activities, but they do have family time in the club nearly every day. These are times when there are no activities scheduled, usually when they have the club-kids at dinner or somewhere else on the ship. At these times you will be able to go into the club with your kids and have some free-play time.

Hope this helps.



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