Anybody been to Universal's Port Ventura?

Spaceman Spiff

one by one, cleaning the universal boards of riff-
Apr 6, 2000
I was checking out the site and the park looks really unique. Kind of a cross btw Epcot and IOA/USF. Has anyone had the chance to visit?


We've been there twice 1995 and last year the park itself is great and as you say as different country areas with various rides in each of the areas. The main ride is the Dragon Khan Rollercoaster ( several loops) set in China
Only flaw with this park is that unlike Orlando there is only the one park but upon saying that we spent three days in it last time , as there are also plenty of shows to see
We spent several days at Port Aventura last summer. The park is divided up into five areas China, Polynesia, Mexico, Far West and the Mediterranean. I liked the theming. Especially the Polynesian area. My favourite ride is Stampida. This is a huge wooden rollercoaster where two cars race each other. Great fun. :cool:

Disneyland Paris Halloween 1999 & Christmas 2000
Off site Easter 2000 & Easter 2001
I´ve been there in 1994. On that time Port Aventura was an independent investment. Universal buy the shares after that and improve the whole project.



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