Any word about the DC discount at HRH?...


Constantly in trip planning mode...I want to go aw
Aug 18, 1999
I checked the website and all discounts for the Orlando area are gone! I booked mine last week when it was intact and printed out everything from the site. Now I'm worried...should I buy the entertainment book or go with the DC?



The December 15, 2000 MK Grand Marshall Family!
Wonder July 2000
Off-site '84, 85','92, 10/99
Dolphin '93, Dixie '98, Vero '99, Hilton Head '99,
BWV 2/00
OKW/Cruise/BWV 7/00
CS 12/00
Upcoming HH 7/01 & Cruise/BWV/WLV! (I hope) 8/01
Cora, they sure are gone. I did print out the offer as well while it was listed. I think i will get the Entertainment Book anyway, if nothing more than to save myself all the stress. My trip is Nov.2001, I was nervous about being able to get the the 2002 edition before my trip, as the 2001 expires Oct.31,2001. Anyone know how early they release the new book?
I just checked the Disney Club site for Orlando hotels, too, and it sure was blank! That's how it used to be with the Travel America at Half-Price membership in the MKC (gold): Orlando and Anaheim hotels were NOT included! Maybe they wised up because too many people were staying off-site - especially at the HRH and PBH!
Nancy, You are on top of it!!!

I remember you telling DC members, only a week ago to print that page on the website.

Do ya wanna go to the with me track this weekend?hehe



After seeing this post my wife called DC and the girl told her that they change stuff all the time. She said as long as we have the printed copy of the page, had made the reservations prior to the page being removed, and were confirmed at the discounted price, we're in. She also gave my wife an 800 # to have the HRH call if they had a problem.

Still, considering the cost of the book compared to the chance of having to pay full price, I'd feel much better having the actual Entertainment card so I know I'm covered.
Here is the response from the Disney Club Entertaiment section to an E-mail I sent them asking if the DC could be used for the Entertainment rate. It sounds like Disney will not approve the rate at hotels in their market area.

"Regarding your inquiry for hotels in the Orlando or Anaheim area; per Disney, they do not offer
the Entertainment 50% discount in either of these two areas. Disney would prefer that you use
their properties.

If you would like further information regarding rates and availability, for Disney/Orlando,
please call (800) 446-5365. For Disney/Anaheim, please call (800) 652-6244. Reservations will
be taken at either of these numbers."

Mary Kay
Customer Service Specialist
Entertainment Publications


I'm just a Little Boy trapped in an Old Man's body.
It was Entertainment that my wife talked to, not DC. They assured her that as long as you had booked at the Entertainment rate and have a copy of the now "missing" Disney page showing the discount, HRH has to honor it.

For what it's worth...


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