Any Weight Watchers members out there?


DIS Veteran
Nov 10, 1999
I just joined this past Monday for the second time in 10 years! I have yo-yo'ed all my life-ugh.

Anybody have any good recipes for the new points system or just generally reccomondations and advice. I take all the support I can get. I need to loose this 50 lbs!



I am trying to bribe a Disney trip out of this weight lose thing too......LOL
Not WW, but I hear you! I lost over 80 pounds three years ago, went from about 210 lbs. to 125 lbs. I had my second child 2 years ago, gained 50 lbs (during pregnancy), been battling the last ten! WDW trip in 72 days will about 6 - 10 lbs to go. I am motivated now! I am 136 lbs, I would like to get in the 120's. A far cry from my 210 lbs, but the battle continues! YOU GO! WW is a great way to go!
Thanks so much. I have been battling my weight since I was a child. I am 36 years old and now am a diabetic. I have got to do something. I have done 30 here, 50 here pounds for years. I have got to resolve to myself that it is time to make a lifestyle change. GOSH it is soooooo hard. I don't drink or smoke-I eat! I love to cook and feed others. This is really challenging for me. Thanks again.

There's lots of people trying to lose weight on the DIS :) If you go to the Inspiration Board there is a new sub board called: WISH (We're Inspired to STaying Healthy). Enjoy!
Here is a good one for on the go or a great 1 point snack

Makes 12 muffins
100 calories-2g fat-3gfiber=1point

1c whole-wheat flour
1tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 3/4c Kash Good Friends cereal
¾ c skim milk
¼ c honey
2 egg whites
¼ c unsweetened applesauce
1 med ripe banana
Non-stick cooking spray

In a small bowl, stir together flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside. In a large mixing bowl, combine cereal and milk and let stand for 2-3 minutes. Add the honey and egg whites and beat well. Stir in applesauce and banana. Add flour mixture and mix only until dry ingredients are moistened (over mixing will produce rubbery muffins)

Fill sprayed muffin tins. Bake for 20 minutes or until lightly browned
My favs:

1 tbsp olive oil
green zucchini
yellow zucchini
red pepper
once all are soft (I like a little blackened) add a few tablespoons of your fav low cal sauce. I like a very very very hot cajun sauce or thai peanut sauce.

half and seed a spaghetti squash add about half a cup of water to one half, save the other half for another time, cover cut side up with plastic wrap and microwave for 10-11 minutes on high. It's like REALY spaghetti but better! Add a small amount of your fav sauce, tomato is best!
There's lots of people trying to lose weight on the DIS If you go to the Inspiration Board there is a new sub board called: WISH (We're Inspired to STaying Healthy). Enjoy!

And we are doing a weekly thread on Healthy Cooking so stop by there for some tips and recipes as well!


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