Any suggestions for 9yr. childcare...


DIS Veteran
Jul 31, 2001
Hi, we have a 9 yr. old and were wondering if any of the child care centers in any of the resorts are geared toward older kids.(not that 9 is an older kid). I see many ages are around 2-6 and maybe the stay there would be to baby-themed. Has anyone left a 9yr. in one of them. Are they safe and well monitered. Any complaints or anything I should know about. We probably won't use it, but its good to know in case we want to be adults alone for just a few hours.
If you mean the child care on disney property, the ages for that are 4-12. My kids have stayed at the Mouseketeer club at the Grand Floridian and they had a great time.

They are safe. The door is locked so that no one can just walk in. The person who signed them in has to sign them out and you get a pager for the time the kids are there.
We took her and her younger brother 2 years ago. They had a great time. Played games, made crafts, bowled, watched movies, had kids buffet dinner, played video games. They loved it so much they wanted to go back the next day as soon as it opened. They also requested to go back this year (she'll be 10-1/2).

You need to sign them in. You get a pager and the # to the club. They will page you if anything happens. When you come back, you sign them out. They had about 9 kids at one time with 2 "sitters." By the time we picked them up there were only 2 other kids there. It was great for a night out alone and it gave them a break from walking around all night.
We are planning to use the clubs for our kids who will be almost 5, 8 and 10. It is my understanding that they are not too babyish and that, in fact, they have unlimited access to ninetendo or some other type of video games, plus crafts and dinners. I think my 10yo son will be just fine if he can play games.
just this past Aug my 2 daughters, ages 8 & 12 at the time, went to the Neverland Club at the Poly. They loved it. I want to add that my 12 yr old was one week away from turning 13. She enjoyed the buffet that they had for dinner. She played the nintendo games, did crafts and even helped the castmembers out by helping the "little" kids. When we went to pick them up...they both wanted to stay longer!!
Thanks so much for all these answers. I think I'll look into the Neverland Club. Sounds like fun. I'm sure my daughter will love it.
just this past Aug my 2 daughters, ages 8 & 12 at the time, went to the Neverland Club at the Poly. They loved it. I want to add that my 12 yr old was one week away from turning 13. She enjoyed the buffet that they had for dinner. She played the nintendo games, did crafts and even helped the castmembers out by helping the "little" kids. When we went to pick them up...they both wanted to stay longer!!


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