Any new rides, attractions or shows



Can you tell me if there are any new rides, attractions or shows at IOA, US or City Walk?

Jimmy Neutron and Shrek are set to open around summer 2003. A new ride will be in the former Kongfrontation building sometime in 2004.
If you haven't been there since May 2002 most of the old shows are new again.

The Horror Make Up Show was updated.
Beetlejuice Show was redone.
The old 90's Beetlejuice Ghostbusters show was brought back.
Earthquake got a new preshows.

That's all new for anyone who hasn't been there in awhile.

Then as Barry said Neutron and Shrek will be here this year and Mummy in 2004.
Don't forget the new, updated and enhanced E.T. Adventure show effects.
If you go to the Horror Make-Up show be sure you get the british guy and the guy with the really short hair. They are definitely the best out of the 2 acts.

Any word on what type of rides Shrek and Jimmy Neutron will be? We are going in December 2003 and my kids will be thrilled with the new additions.

thanks, Marley
Originally posted by marley

Any word on what type of rides Shrek and Jimmy Neutron will be? We are going in December 2003 and my kids will be thrilled with the new additions.

thanks, Marley

It's well known what the two attractions will be. Shrek will be a copycat show of T2, with some Ogar Smell-a-Vision. Neutron will be that copycat ride of Hanna-Barbera. So if you went on T2 you will know what Shrek will be like. If you rode Hanna-Barbera then you know what Neutron will be like. If you are going in December 2003 unless some thing seriously goes wrong, the rides will be open then.


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