Any discounts for animal kingdom lodge in June? PLEEEZE!


DIS Veteran
Mar 19, 2001
We are going to AKL on june 10th, want to stay in this new hotel, at least for a couple of nights.
My nine year old would be thrilled!
Thanks, laurie
you should be able to get AKL for around $179 night. I was quoted 184 by a travel agent. They are having a preview rate I don't think you need a code or anything.
Disneydeb, Oh thank you, thank you. I emailed the travel agent on this site yesterday, so far haven't heard a thing, I guess I'll call and try to make my own reservation.
go to They have a board there called ask the travel agent. Her name is Jean, and she's great. Her email is available by clicking on her name at the top of the page. She's the one that found the $184 rate for me.
who received their Disney Club Card yesterday and included was a promo for AKL at 105.00 a night for the next few months. She is going in June and will try to get this. Again, just heard from her and she is a member of the Disney Club. It is only 39.95 a year so it would be worth it if you could get that.

Good Luck, I wish I was going in the next few months because I would try for it!!
Thanks disneydeb and CBAR. i called about the disney club rate. The CS told me this rate is per person based on double occupancy. Also thanks for the link to Jean. She is working on a rate for me right now!!!
Yup! AKL 105.00 for Disney Club Card Members .. info is on the disney site ... booked mine today for 4-29 - 5-4 ... this rate is closing fast , so hurry and call. I reserved it 2 days ago, called today to pay & request 1 additional night at that price .. nothing left on the day a wanted.
You might want to double check your ressie. As someone already posted, that rate is PER PERSON. Maybe you already know this; if not, be prepared.
There are some cheaper rates out there right now that you might want to check into to see if your date is included.

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I am a DC Member. DC offer is definitely PER PERSON. I got a better rate for 6/5-6/10 on an upsell. I came right out and asked if they had any upsell specials available since I knew about them ($159 standard view or $179 savannah view + tax). I also told them that I thought that the upsell was prompted by a request for Dixie Landings. At the time I was told by CRO that Disney did not use the term upsell, but that she would check for specials. Only the $159 was available and I really wanted the savannah view. I called later the same day and talked with another CM. She also found the rate for me and VOILA the savannah view at $179 was available. Think about how many people hold rooms, then change their plans either cancelling the trip altogether, changing the dates of the trip or changing hotels. Although I booked about a month ago, from what I can tell this rate is still available and I would suggest that you try for it armed with the info I've given. I did have CRO contrast with the DC discount and this was a better deal. :) :cool: ;)


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