Any deals at WDW resorts at Christmas?

Gail from Nova Scotia

Earning My Ears
Sep 25, 1999
I realize that Christmas is peak season at WDW but has anyone ever gotten something better than rack rate? Historically, can you get a better price with AP? What about Magical Holiday Rates? How much of a discount can one expect with this?
I plan on watching Mary Waring's site closely as XMAS approaches!!
Thanks, Gail
To the best of my knowledge, there have not been AP discounts available in December (or October or November, either). We've gone in early December the past few years and have taken advantage of the Magical Holiday Packages. But if I recall correctly, these were not available during the "peak" Christmas season. This year may be different, so if you have to, or just WANT to go during the Christmas peak, keep checking with CRO and of course, keep reading these boards. Hope all works out for you.

[This message was edited by CarolMN on 04-26-01 at 05:16 PM.]
This year Holiday Season runs from 12/21-12/31. If you are checking in during any of these dates chances are you won't get any discount. You can try, but they are usually completely sold-out and don't offer any incentives.

Some people have reported that if they check-in prior to 12/21 they have been charged the less expensive rate for their entire stay. Not sure whether this still holds true.
There haven't been AP Holder rates during December (or November and most of October) for the last 3 years that I know of. The Magical Holidays Package is the equivalent of the Disney Club discount (10-20%, depending on the resort), but the package ends prior to the start of holiday season. If you belong to the Disney Club, you could try for the DC discount, but you will have to check in prior to the start of holiday season, which begins December 21st. Remember, DC discounts are limited, so I would get started right away! If you don't belong to the Disney Club, I would still try to check in prior to the start of holiday season. Then you will be paying value season rack rates during holiday season!

Good Luck!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

My husband and I are staying Dec.16-23 at the Dolphin, and we got AP discounts! :D

Concierge room: 189.00 per night!

<font face="Comic Sans MS"color=Violet>Christine</font>

THanks for answering my questions! I think I just have to bite the bullet and pay full rate as we will be there Dec 23 to 28!! I keep telling DH and DD's about how crowded it will be but they still want to go! Aaaaarg...( We have been to WDW twice and both times were during the first week in December ie no crowds)-Are they ever in for a shock!!
As long as I can sit on the verandah at AKL at the end of the day with my glass of red wine (South African, of course ) and watch the animals go by I'll Be happy!

My boyfriend & I did Christmas week this past year. If you don't have small kids, hit MK & MGM later in the evening to avoid the crowds. The only thing you'll miss at MGM is the Backlot Tour because of the Osborne Lights.

MK was open until midnight & MGM was open until 10 or 11. We walked onto TOT & only had a 20 minute wait for RNR. Similar waits at MK & no crowds at all for the last MSEP.

MK was closed to non-resort guests most of the day (we stayed off-site).

Enjoy the wine on the balcony!


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