Another strange question for my thrifty friends


<font color="navy">If you don't let your dog poop
Oct 18, 2000
I have $200 in Rainforest Cafe Gift Certificates. Three of us will be going on the trip (2 adults, 1 child) how many meals do you think we can get with that. We don't have one anywhere near here, so I want to be able to use all of the gift certificates while we are there.
would say 4 maybe 5 meals......when u figure in tips etc...of course it depends on what u eat...

why not check and see if they have a menu on the rainforest site....or maybe you could email them ....with a general question about meal costs
Can you use extra at the merchandise store? Last July we got t shirts on clearance for $2.50 and beenie babies for $3. It was a good bargain and great souvenire. Good quality shirts too.
are you saying that 4 plates of food at rain forest COST $200.Thats $50. a plate???? Each visit??

Oh man,I thought food was one place I could save some money??

I guess I will be eating at Mcdonalds alot if thats the case. I like food,but thats crazy![and I thought $8.00 a plate locally was awful!!]

On a recent trip we had 2 adult entrees and one kids meal, two sodas and the bill was about $40 with tip. I had a $25 gift certificate so it only "cost" us $15. That's a little pricier than most meals we ate while at WDW (being McDonald's officionados ourselves with two small children) but it was a splurge while at Downtown Disney. Be prepared for a long wait if you go at a peak time -- I think we waited 2 1/2 hours.
We went there in Sept for lunch, and i have four kids, 14 yrs, 8 yrs ,6yrs,3 yrs and myself and my hubby and we ate for 83.00 with tip. so i would say you can get some good meals out of it,
Have fun!
...within reason. As stated before, it depends on what you order as to what your bill will be. Alcoholic drinks will run the tab up. But, the food is not $50.00 per plate. It isn't THAT good!!! LOL

I live in the real world, so I choose to vacation in Fantasy Land!!
Be sure to sign up for the Safari Club. There's a $10 charge, but you get a $10 certificate to use on your first visit. Club members get priority seating!
Thanks for the info. What do you say, budget $50 per meal? The gift certificates would then give us 4 meals, not counting tips.
I had a $100 gift cert. last year, and when I went to Las Vegas, I paid for lunch, and they gave me the change. I then used the change to go to a couple of other places I wanted to go to. I thought that I would have to use all there for food or mdse.

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Don't forget Figment!!!!


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