Another Shooting, Nashville

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A couple years ago I had coyotes that where getting my chickens. I placed traps and one morning i went out and I had 2 caught close together and then realized there was a third just hanging around. I can tell you I was glad I had my AR with a 20 round mag.

We have bear on our property, if it comes down to having to shoot it or get mauled I don't want to have to reload after every shot.
I don't have an AR, but we've been looking for something I can comfortably carry. Dh feels a shotgun is the way to go. His is just so heavy to lug around, I'd rather have something lighter. Right now I carry bear spray and an air horn, he carries his pistol.

I understand people want to control things like type of weapon and magazine capacity, as a way to protect people. The problem is that when you limit those things, you are taking away means of protection from others.
Just looking for some kind of reasonable compromise. We own a few multi-shot weapons but I would like to see something done to stop this stuff.

We (general we, not you and I) have a disconnect when it comes to "seeing something done to stop this stuff". One side wants "NO GUNS!!!!!!!!" and the other "YOU CAN'T TAKE MY GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and no one seems to want to meet in the middle. Both sides have extremes, and they seem to be the loudest in these types of discussions.
We (general we, not you and I) have a disconnect when it comes to "seeing something done to stop this stuff". One side wants "NO GUNS!!!!!!!!" and the other "YOU CAN'T TAKE MY GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and no one seems to want to meet in the middle. Both sides have extremes, and they seem to be the loudest in these types of discussions.

This is absolutely not true that one side wants NO GUNS. That is exactly why I posted, it is not what is in the discussion in any way. No one is seriously talking about taking away all guns, that is fear mongering that is coming out from the NRA led propaganda campaign. Even the kids protesting are adamant about saying that. So all this is is about stronger gun laws, closing gunshow loophole, etc., and there is some talk about going after the assault type rifles, or semi automatic type rifles, or bump stocks, etc. And not one single person on here has said that either. But I do agree that many on the right of this do believe that any regulations means they are coming to take away all your guns.
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This is absolutely not true that one side wants NO GUNS. That is exactly why I posted, it is not what is in the discussion in any way. No one is seriously talking about taking away all guns, that is fear mongering that is coming out from the NRA led propaganda campaign. Even the kids protesting are adamant about saying that. So all this is is about stronger gun laws, closing gunshow loophole, etc., and there is some talk about going after the assault type rifles, or semi automatic type rifles, or bump stocks, etc.

That poster said "extremes" on both sides, and you are not paying attention if you don't think there are people out there who want to take away all guns. And no I'm not talking about the NRA propoganda, I'm talking about hearing from those people themselves, and like you pointed out- they vote.
So naturally the extremes on the other side are worried about that.

I won't get into the assault "type" rifle description you used I'll go straight to the semi-auto. (The AR-15 is a semi-auto rifle, not an assault rifle in case you weren't aware).
You do realize that most guns in people's possession are semi-auto right? So when you say going after those types, what exactly does that mean? Does that mean outlawing them- making anyone who legally purchased before the ban an overnight criminal?
Do you mean confiscating them- meaning taking them away from people who legally purchased them?
Do you mean grandfathering those that are already out there but not allow any new ones to be manufactured? Then what is the point, there are MILLIONS of them out there, will not making more suddenly stop criminals from murdering (which BTW is already against the law).
Please define "going after" with specifics because when you just say "going after" it sure does sound like going after ;)
No self respecting hunters use them. They've been brainwashed into it with the endless propaganda fed to the them 24 hours a day in the US by the special interest groups that make money off of it by making them believe that that makes them a "great American", and they are big tough guys. Or that there is some hidden danger from "the others" by fear mongering or the big bad gov that will occur in the US, which I can't get into to keep from going political. I also want to say something that is happening here in the US is that they are hoarding large amounts of guns, they don't just own 1, I know a guy who lives up the street from me that has an arsenal in his basement. I live in the suburbs of NY so there go. Not crazy hillbilly types, I am talking about firemen and policemen, EMT's etc., etc. Started happening when O came in office and everyone was told he would take their guns away, which of course, didn't happen. Not everyone is that extreme but I bet if you asked on here you would see the ones answering own MANY guns.

Never fails to amaze me the lows people go on here, a Disney site, "you're acting immature" by hypocritically acting more immature, lovely lol.

Get a life so you don't have to respond to imaginary quotes that aren't even on here, nanny nanny foo foo lol

Still no life yet? Yes I put on a comment about people commenting on immature behavior by acting more immature, so if the shoe fits . . . now tag you're it lol! Now lets get back to talking about guns and shootings. :P:crazy:
Apparently you've chosen to use the "Don't bother me with the facts, my mind's made up" attitude which often accompanies the "Since I'm not winning the argument I'll just insult everybody." tactic.
Neither will accomplish anything except to whiz off the people who are trying to explain their position in this matter.
You have repeatedly mentioned that you believe others are "ganging up" on you.
Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps they are right and you are wrong?
I know this is a totally alien concept to some people but believe it or not I've actually observed situations where someone was factually in error and refused to admit that they weren't correct.
This often occurs when people blindly repeat a position that is politically motivated and based purely on attempts to elicit emotional responses from others as opposed to trying to relay facts on the subject.
Apparently you've chosen to use the "Don't bother me with the facts, my mind's made up" attitude which often accompanies the "Since I'm not winning the argument I'll just insult everybody." tactic.
Neither will accomplish anything except to whiz off the people who are trying to explain their position in this matter.
You have repeatedly mentioned that you believe others are "ganging up" on you.
Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps they are right and you are wrong?
I know this is a totally alien concept to some people but believe it or not I've actually observed situations where someone was factually in error and refused to admit that they weren't correct.
This often occurs when people blindly repeat a position that is politically motivated and based purely on attempts to elicit emotional responses from others as opposed to trying to relay facts on the subject.

Uncle Mike please change the topic onto what this is about, guns and shootings. You say the same things over and over to me and what you are doing just verifies my gang comment. Stop with this stuff it's childish and immature and doesn't help with my views of you "no gun laws" people. And to answer your other question, can you imagine that possibly YOU are wrong? Or that I have opposing views and your comments have not changed my mind in any way? Nor do I believe them to be facts as I have given opposing facts. Or that maybe you should take your own advice? I have read all of them I don't find them particularly convincing. Seems like you are the one blindly following your views. I mean a person just posted on here that people that are for gun control want to take away all guns and that is not what is going on with the talks in this country, I was just trying to educate on that. I honestly believe maybe highly trained military or vets or cops could have those guns, especially if we went strictly by the constitution as it was for militia men. I am open to more discussion than you think. Or certain ones may be ok or there be limits like NYs laws altho I think they could be better. It's the way you all go about it with posts like the one here. It's not helping and it's certainly not having me take you seriously. You all don't even know my views, you are so intent on saying what I believe. I for better gun control, that's it, nothing more than that.
This is why I think your posts are meaningless.
And here is the FACT THE 2nd Amendment Does Not Protect Your Right To Own these type weapons, it is decided by the Supreme Court.
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No self respecting hunters use them. They've been brainwashed into it with the endless propaganda fed to the them 24 hours a day in the US by the special interest groups that make money off of it by making them believe that that makes them a "great American", and they are big tough guys. Or that there is some hidden danger from "the others" by fear mongering or the big bad gov that will occur in the US, which I can't get into to keep from going political. I also want to say something that is happening here in the US is that they are hoarding large amounts of guns, they don't just own 1, I know a guy who lives up the street from me that has an arsenal in his basement. I live in the suburbs of NY so there go. Not crazy hillbilly types, I am talking about firemen and policemen, EMT's etc., etc. Started happening when O came in office and everyone was told he would take their guns away, which of course, didn't happen. Not everyone is that extreme but I bet if you asked on here you would see the ones answering own MANY guns.

Are you a hunter? If not, how the devil would you know what a "self respecting" hunter would own or not own? Easy answer: You have no idea. You keep doing this pesky thing called assuming and judging.

Where on earth do you get this absolutely ridiculous idea that anyone is "brainwashed" by "propaganda" YOU are the one here that sounds brainwashed.

LMBO, at the "hoarding" of guns. Really? Yes, there are extremist that do own a large number of guns for fear of some imaginary bad guy coming to take them. But the number of people in that category is so minute that it shouldn't even be something considered in why anyone owns a certain gun.

My bil owns a lot of guns. He collects guns for one thing (he is retired military). He is an avid hunter for another. He buys what he likes and he can afford it so who cares. He was NEVER afraid anyone was going to take any guns.

DH owns several guns. He has the first gun his father bought him. He has the one given to him by his grandfather after his death. He has the one I bought him. And a few others. They never come out of the gun cabinet. I am not even sure he has ammo for all of them. IF he goes hunting he goes and buys ammo.

DH's bil owns several guns. He hunts everywhere. He hunts any kind of game. He takes trips every year to different parts of the country to hunt. So, he uses different guns.

Honestly the only one that I see as acting paranoid about gun ownership is you.
This is absolutely not true that one side wants NO GUNS. That is exactly why I posted, it is not what is in the discussion in any way. No one is seriously talking about taking away all guns, that is fear mongering that is coming out from the NRA led propaganda campaign. Even the kids protesting are adamant about saying that. So all this is is about stronger gun laws, closing gunshow loophole, etc., and there is some talk about going after the assault type rifles, or semi automatic type rifles, or bump stocks, etc. And not one single person on here has said that either. But I do agree that many on the right of this do believe that any regulations means they are coming to take away all your guns.

Semiautomatics with detachable magazines make up roughly 50% of all rifle sales an 90% of all handgun sales. That’s a pretty sizeable chunk.

BTW, the person you quoted said SOME on the anti-gun side are saying “no guns”. And that is 100% accurate.
No, there is no serious talk about taking away all guns and it certainly is not MOST. And it is certainly not what the protestors are saying. And as far as how many are sold I wouldn't doubt it. They do everything to make people buy them, fear mongering all kinds of stuff. I said in another post I know people hoarding guns. Here is the bottom line, what I think and if you want to address anything or have any facts to say otherwise, address this. But there is really nothing more to say.
The Second Amendment does NOT protect your right to own these type weapons. Even Judge Scalia says so.
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Are you a hunter? If not, how the devil would you know what a "self respecting" hunter would own or not own? Easy answer: You have no idea. You keep doing this pesky thing called assuming and judging.

Where on earth do you get this absolutely ridiculous idea that anyone is "brainwashed" by "propaganda" YOU are the one here that sounds brainwashed.

LMBO, at the "hoarding" of guns. Really? Yes, there are extremist that do own a large number of guns for fear of some imaginary bad guy coming to take them. But the number of people in that category is so minute that it shouldn't even be something considered in why anyone owns a certain gun.

My bil owns a lot of guns. He collects guns for one thing (he is retired military). He is an avid hunter for another. He buys what he likes and he can afford it so who cares. He was NEVER afraid anyone was going to take any guns.

DH owns several guns. He has the first gun his father bought him. He has the one given to him by his grandfather after his death. He has the one I bought him. And a few others. They never come out of the gun cabinet. I am not even sure he has ammo for all of them. IF he goes hunting he goes and buys ammo.

DH's bil owns several guns. He hunts everywhere. He hunts any kind of game. He takes trips every year to different parts of the country to hunt. So, he uses different guns.

Honestly the only one that I see as acting paranoid about gun ownership is you.

Yes my point they own MANY MANY guns. And I bet they all drive trucks with the American flag or Confederate flag on it lol. I'm teasing. I know many gun owners and hunters and have them in my own family. Like I said my father was a shooting instructor also. Unfortunately many do not realize they've been brainwashed and controlled by misinformation etc., by special interests. It's pervasive here in the US. It's everywhere.
What can you say to this Nothing at all!
The Second Amendment Does Not Protect Your Right to own these type weapons it is decided by the Supreme Court. melber/watch/no-there-s-no-2nd-amendment-right-to-ar-15s-1171097667761
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Yes my point they own MANY MANY guns. And I bet they all drive trucks with the American flag or Confederate flag on it lol. I'm teasing. I know many gun owners and hunters and have them in my own family. Like I said my father was a shooting instructor also.
What can you say, to this Nothing at all! melber/watch/no-there-s-no-2nd-amendment-right-to-ar-15s-1171097667761

What can we say about an opinion piece put out by one of the very “entertainment sources” that YOU told us you wished didn’t exist? Well, it’s an opinion. Everyone is entitled to one.

Obviously, your opinion is that the 2nd Amendment does not protect the right to own AR-15’s. So, now for the question you’ve been avoiding for 2 days:

Do you believe the 2nd Amendment protects our right to own guns that don’t look like AR-15’s, but function in exactly the same manner. Yes, or no.
So I'm going to leave with this as it says it all and there is nothing more to say. The Second Amendment Does NOT protect your right to own these type of weapons. It is NOT MY OPINION IT IS STATED BY THE SUPREME COURT. Bills were tried to get passed but they were not passed.

Do you believe we have a right to own guns that do not look like assault weapons, but function in the exact same manner as AR-15’s?

Yes or no
Yes my point they own MANY MANY guns. And I bet they all drive trucks with the American flag or Confederate flag on it lol. I'm teasing. I know many gun owners and hunters and have them in my own family. Like I said my father was a shooting instructor also. Unfortunately many do not realize they've been brainwashed and controlled by misinformation etc., by special interests. It's pervasive here in the US. It's everywhere.
What can you say to this Nothing at all!
The Second Amendment Does Not Protect Your Right to own these type weapons it is decided by the Supreme Court. melber/watch/no-there-s-no-2nd-amendment-right-to-ar-15s-1171097667761

Oh dear Lord. So can I then assume that you are one of the brainwashed that don't realize it??

As for your crack about pick up trucks and confederate flags--really? FYI, they do drive pick ups. They all care for horses, cows and hogs too. They haul hay and feed in those pick up trucks. They haul what any of us need for flower and vegetable gardens. And yes they go hunting in them. So climb down out of your ivory tower and look around at what real people do for awhile.

As for your link, you do know that it is an opinion piece correct? Not YOUR opinion but that of the person on the video. Meaning it is an opinion piece that is HIS opinion.

I looked for your claim of what the Supreme Court said and the only thing I found was about ASSAULT weapons, which the gun you keep referring to is not.
I have to laugh at some of the descriptions of people, I live in the suburbs of NY and am far from a hillbilly type, although I love the outdoors. I don't have any hillbillies in my neighborhood. (BTW is hillbilly a derogatory term, I think it might be so I will refrain from using it further). There are several households in my subdivision that have firearms in them, and not just one firearm but a full safe of them.
Anyway I think you'd be surprised at just how many of your neighbors have guns in their homes, regular people like teachers, nurses, engineers, PhDs, salesman, store managers (these are examples of the people in my neighborhood). I doubt they "advertise" they have guns, and probably don't discuss it with people like you, who make assumptions and hurl insults about gun owners.
Oh, and my dh has a truck too, but he also has a nice normal family sedan in case that means anything.
Oh dear Lord. So can I then assume that you are one of the brainwashed that don't realize it??

As for your crack about pick up trucks and confederate flags--really? FYI, they do drive pick ups. They all care for horses, cows and hogs too. They haul hay and feed in those pick up trucks. They haul what any of us need for flower and vegetable gardens. And yes they go hunting in them. So climb down out of your ivory tower and look around at what real people do for awhile.

As for your link, you do know that it is an opinion piece correct? Not YOUR opinion but that of the person on the video. Meaning it is an opinion piece that is HIS opinion.

I looked for your claim of what the Supreme Court said and the only thing I found was about ASSAULT weapons, which the gun you keep referring to is not.
In the 2008 DC v. Heller case, the Supreme Court ruled that the protected firearms are those that are in “common use for lawful purposes.”
Since there are well over five million AR type firearms, and many more millions of semi auto firearms that only differ cosmetically from AR's, in use daily in this country it would appear to be logical to presume that they are in "common use for lawful purposes."
As for Mr Melders opinion.
He is not only mistaken, he is disingenuous as well.
The SCOTUS has never, in session, ruled on whether Citizens may, or may not, posses, own, buy, sell, trade, or transfer an AR, or any other semi automatic firearm.
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