Another ? for Those With 150 Points


DIS Veteran
Sep 4, 1999
In order to save on points, do you always use a Studio or do you save and go every other year and get maybe a 1 or 2 bedroom.

I just wish there were some 1-bedrooms that had queen-sized beds. Not too crazy about putting son on the sleeper sofa.

One more thing, did anybody confirm that they put the toasters in all the Studios. I had originally posted they put one in ours when we were there earlier this month, and I had not requested one. It was delivered while we were out of the room, and it was brand new.

Going for my second stay at OKW this year in 60 days. :bounce:
Well, I have 150 points, and so far I am borrowed till I can't borrow anymore LOL:rolleyes:

But I did use points for 9 days at the Poly back in October. I will most likely stay at DVC resorts in the future though. So hopefully I will not have a problem. There are just 2 of us though, so a studio is just fine. :bounce:
We only have 150 points and have only stayed in a studio on our first of 5 trips.

We stay away from premier season and Saturday nights to help our points go further and we go once every year.

Next year we are going to HH because our Spring Break runs into Easter Break. It is only 147 points for 6 nights in a 2 bedroom and WDW is over 250 points. We may even take a 1 bedroom for 118 points, bank the left-over and go to WDW the next year.

If you are creative and study the point chart you can make your points go a lot further.
We joined in 99' and are planning our 2nd DVC stay in Nov and are getting a 2BDR and a studio at VWL and yes we have only 150 points. Our first DVC stay was in a studio to bank some points for this years stay. And then by borrowing some points, it all came together. All it takes is a little creativity and planning ahead.
:rolleyes: Last year we had a few points left over to save till this year. In dec we went to BWV for 6 day and 5 nights in a one bedroom. then in June we went for 4 days three night in a studio. We arrive on Sunday and leave on Wed. We are going again June 3 for the same number of days and nights and we still had some points left for next year. Forgot to mention we only have 150 points, wish I had more. I just try to use them in low season, no view and no weekends. When we went in Dec we had no view, an actually where we were put the view was great and quiet. We could go out on the patio and it was quite and lovely.
I will say if I did not live in Florida I would probably take a few more days on one vacation than the 4 we take, but I am sure if you look at when the points are the lowest you can work something out.
DH and I are 'discussing' this very thing right now. We've scheduled DS and friends for 4 nights at the beginning of June (for h.s. grad. gift). DH, DD, her girlfriend and I are going down in July. I scheduled Thurs. thru Sat. nites in a studio at OKW. Sun. we go 'home' to a 1 br. at VWL. The conflict we're having is that DH wants to change to a studio at the Lodge to save points, but DD and I want to keep the 1 br. I want the washer and dryer, DD is worried that DH's snoring will keep her awake ;) . She also likes the idea of the jacuzzi tub, but I'd be willing to bet she'd never use it. But I digress. DH wants to save points so we can go down next year. We only bought 150 points, and my thinking has always been every other year. I'm not going to do anything about making the change, and hope he calms down :p !!!
When we bought we were going to go every second year with a 1 BR, but we cannot stay away so I am thinking we will be hitting WDW every year, in whatever our points can get us. I ,too, like to stretch our points as far as they will go.

We bought 150 points at Boardwalk last October with an April use year, and sold back half our points for MB. We got 4 nights in an OKW 1-bedroom in December for 64 points, and banked the other 11 into 2001. We boked a standard view 1-bedroom at BWV for this December for 5 nights (Sun-Thurs) for 80 points, and were planning on using the other points for a trip to the Grand CAlifornian next March, but we got a great sale airfare for next week to Orlando, so we're doing a studio at VWL for 4 nights Fri-Mon for 84 points, so now we're borrowed into next year for 3 points. We'll see how the studio feels; we really got spoiled by the hot tub and full kitchen in the 1-bedroom last December!:cool:
We bought 154 points via resale at OKW because we decided that was enough for a two bedroom villa every two years with an occasional 3 bedroom villa every now and then. Once every two years is enough for our family. We own two other timeshares which we use to vacation each year. One is in Aruba and the other is in Williamsburg, VA. We use the Aruba timeshare to trade for various locations. We use the Williamsburg, VA each year either as is or trade in for Marriott Reward Points.

We used MB last year. So this year we can only go for a week in a one-bdrm and then we are banking the rest for next year.

After that I have no idea what we are going to do. I am thinking an add-on or a resale to get more points so we don't run into point difficulties. :rolleyes: but that is yet to be decided.

However, my father-in-law has points he has to use, and since he won't go by himself, I think we will tag along;)

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