Animal Planet Live


Proud Redhead
Jan 1, 2001
Anyone know what this is? Supposed to be a new attraction at USF coming soon.
Here is an article for more info. I have not been able to find anything on Universal's site to confirm this. I do remember reading a few posts here that confirmed it will be comming.

themeparks article

jessica5.gif has pretty accurate information.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Animal Actors closes on (about) February 5th. It is scheduled to close the same day Earthquake reopens - which is tentatively planned for the 5th.

Rehab on Animal Actors should take 6 weeks.
Thanks for the rehab updates on Earthquake and Animal Actors - are there any other rehabs scheduled for the next couple of months? Is there a website where I can find rehab info?
Thanks again,
Thanks for the info :cool: :) ;) :cool: <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> :) ;) :D

<IMG SRC="" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="100" VSPACE="4" HSPACE="0" BORDER="0"></A></
Any other rehabs?

Probably the only other rehabs worth mentioning is, about the same time as Animal Actors goes dark for its rehab to Animal Planet Live:

- One of the Two BTTF Domes will be closed for annual maintenance. Good news is that the ride will remain open and that the maintenance should not be an extended period. Only bad news is that the lines will be slightly longer since the ride will be running at half capacity.

- Part of the Curious George area will receive some annual maintenance.

Other than these? Nothing planned for IOA until after the Summertime - and no other "major" attraction closures for USF as well


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