Animal Planet Live


Earning My Ears
Mar 2, 2001
Can anyone tell me anything about animal Planet Live? I will be at USF on april 13 and I heard it was opening on april 1. Is the show worth taking time out of our one day at the park?
We saw it during the last week of March. It was a "technical rehearsal" and they were still playing around a bit with what they were doing. We thought is was nice for the smaller kids, however, was just OK for everyone else. The show only lasts 25 minutes or so tho, so it doesn't waste any time. I would only do it if you have kids under 12 tho.
We saw the show last week - it was great! You can use your express to get a really great seat as the first 10-12 rows are all for express. We were a little further back -- not a bad seat and you won't waste much time. Puppies, skunk, snake, monkeys, ducks,and a few more - all adorable. Little ones will LOVE it !!
Saw Animal Planet Show Sunday afternoon and really enjoyed it. It's a more colorful stage & backdrop with some of the old shows' animals and skits, but quite a few new ones also. A portion of show is watching the big T.V. monitor setting up the next action sequence.
It's a refreshing update of an always entertaining "old" show. We always loved it during the heat of the day!
Still have the same old "rear-end unfriendly bench seats" though.


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