Anabella or Hawthorn Suites? Help with April DL Trip


Earning My Ears
Mar 12, 2001
(I thought I'd repost this here since I accidentally posted it on the Trip Board) :^)


I'm new to this board and just thought I'd say "thank you" for all the great stories, tips,
etc...what a help!

I'm trying to decide on a hotel for our trip in April, and can't seem to make up my mind.
Has anyone stayed at the newly renovated Anabella Hotel? They're billing it as "lavish" but I can't find a single thing on the net from someone who's been there (reopened March, 2001). Their rate is 149.00 for a 2 bedroom family "bungalow" suite w/courtyard. This is tempting: I have a one year old son and it would be nice (not to mention *less
stressful*) to put him in his crib and close the door :^) AND my eight year old daughter would love having her own room. The Anabella is on the corner of Katella and Disneyland Drive. How far would a walk to Disneyland be?

I'm also considering Hawthorn Suites, which has a great price of 79.00 (including hot buffet breakfast)and a shuttle that runs as early as 6:30 a.m. Any comments on that one?

Thanks a alot!


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