Amy's New Start : Comments Welcome!

Sad to hear about your neighbor. Will be praying.

Also praying for you today as I know it is a tough one! It will get better over time, like Amy said, the 'firsts' are over, but try to focus on the happy times.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thinking of you today Amy :hug:
I hope your ok.
That is so sad about your neighbour, it really hit home for me too as my DD is 14 & SD & I are 42!
I hope they are coping & that was so nice of you to cook for them.
take care sweetie :hug:
Thank you everyone. I made it. I sort of feel like the last year was one big rollercoaster and that now, hopefully its some even ground. We had a really nice evening with stepdad, and we had a nice evening last week. So thats two for two in the past week. He touched me at dinner saying if it wasn't too hokey, could we all take turns with special memories of my mom. He got choked up a few times and as weird as that sounds, I like it when he does that. Too often in the last year, it has felt like he doesn't care. For a long time, it was so much negativity about all the things my mom did that irked him. Maybe it was a defense mechanism, who knows. In any case, since Christmas, he has been more his old self. I thought maybe it was just me but dd remarked on the way home "GRandpa is normal again". I hope it lasts, I have missed his friendship and being at odds with him has not been good for any of us. I also think maybe he is not spending as much time with his sons or has found a way to just stop trying to sell them to me and tell me all the things they are still mad about. So that has helped. In any case, I am just enjoying it, he is the kids' grandpa and he was my mom's husband and life is so much easier when we all get along.

I love Applebees! They have so expanded that WW menu. I had a steak with portobello mushrooms and it came with broccolli and steamed pototoes and it was so good. I didn't feel one bit deprived. I did have a couple of bites of ds' fettucine alfredo and I allowed myself six bites of dessert. But I stayed on points today and that felt good. I woke up to snow and lots of it and for obvious reasons felt blue, but I didn't eat my way out of it. I also didn't exerise but I plan to get on that big time. By Sunday, I want to be at 400 minutes total (my halfway mark) so that I am not scrambling beyond reason or just giving up the latter part of the month.

Thank you so much for all your support. It was a tough day but I could feel those good wishes and prayers from all of you and I got through it. And of course the six bites of dessert helped too.;)
Amy, I'm so proud of you and very thankful that yesterday was NOT a horrific day! You did WONDERFUL!!!!!!:hug:
Amy, I'm so proud of you and very thankful that yesterday was NOT a horrific day! You did WONDERFUL!!!!!!:hug:

I totally agree with Julie. You did a wonderful job yesterday!:hug: I'm glad that you had a good time at dinner with your stepdad and that you were able to share your special memories of your mom with each other. :grouphug:

I hope you have a great day ahead, Amy!:hug:
I think that was a great idea to share special memories! And everyone grieves differently, your stepdad's behavior might have been his weird way of grieving. He has also passed all the milestones, maybe he feels a sense of relief/peace now which has calmed him down. Whatever the reason, I'm glad he is back to his old self!

Great job resisting a full-blown dessert, sometimes a couple bites are all you need! ;)

I'm glad you have a place to go where you can eat within your points and not have to put a lot of thought into it. You did great, and I know you will catch up on your exercise minutes!
Thank you Julie, Tracy and Amy. Its funny how something little like a date passing can really make you feel as if you are in a new place. I just sort of feel a "I made it and I did it" mentality about this grieving process. I feel like my heart, mind and soul have gotten a bit less overcroweded and overwhelmed. I am so, so glad this year is behind me. I think one of the things that has helped stepdad act better is that I stopped taking crap off of him. I think he is seeing me as less of a doormat and more of an individual not to be taken for granted. And I do have acknowledge that his grief over losing a wife and facing his own mortality were obstacles for him. I feel bad for him because he often says how his own kids don't care and he doubts they'll grieve for him. What a horrible feeling that must be. So sad.

Yesterday I did perfect. Right on points, I got on the treadmill for 40 minutes and had coffee with a friend. I have to get out more. I have been such a hermit the past year. We went to Starbuck's, I resisted, hot chocolate, donuts, muffins, pumpkin bread and a latte. I mean all things I love, and while I stood in line I kept changing my order thinking "to heck with it, I'm splurging". The smell of a starbucks is like a drug! But when I got up there, I got a green tea instead. I put a splenda in it for some sweetness and concentrated on the conversation, not food and fattening beverages! I was pretty proud. The only bad thing was going out like that sort of derailed my schedule and I didn't get to the rec center. Then the kids came home slammed with homework, my brother called and I talked with him and suddenly its 6:00 p.m. We had our Del Taco night, I ate less than last week and then after dinner, I went down and treadmilled for the last 40 minutes of Biggest Loser. So I got it all in. Not easy, it was 8:15 by the time I got on the treadmill and I was tired and so not in the mood. The moral of the story is get the exercise in before its so late!

Food yesterday (Tuesday)
Breakfast: Whole wheat bagle with 1 t. butter and 1/2 yogurt: 3
Lunch: Salad with turkey meat and cheese: 9
Snack: Wheat thins with cheese and turkey and orange: 6
Dinner: taco and 2/3 of a burrito: 9
Snack: Pudding with ff redi whip: 3
Total: 30
Thank you Julie, Tracy and Amy. Its funny how something little like a date passing can really make you feel as if you are in a new place. I just sort of feel a "I made it and I did it" mentality about this grieving process. I feel like my heart, mind and soul have gotten a bit less overcroweded and overwhelmed. I am so, so glad this year is behind me. I think one of the things that has helped stepdad act better is that I stopped taking crap off of him. I think he is seeing me as less of a doormat and more of an individual not to be taken for granted. And I do have acknowledge that his grief over losing a wife and facing his own mortality were obstacles for him. I feel bad for him because he often says how his own kids don't care and he doubts they'll grieve for him. What a horrible feeling that must be. So sad.

Yesterday I did perfect. Right on points, I got on the treadmill for 40 minutes and had coffee with a friend. I have to get out more. I have been such a hermit the past year. We went to Starbuck's, I resisted, hot chocolate, donuts, muffins, pumpkin bread and a latte. I mean all things I love, and while I stood in line I kept changing my order thinking "to heck with it, I'm splurging". The smell of a starbucks is like a drug! But when I got up there, I got a green tea instead. I put a splenda in it for some sweetness and concentrated on the conversation, not food and fattening beverages! I was pretty proud. The only bad thing was going out like that sort of derailed my schedule and I didn't get to the rec center. Then the kids came home slammed with homework, my brother called and I talked with him and suddenly its 6:00 p.m. We had our Del Taco night, I ate less than last week and then after dinner, I went down and treadmilled for the last 40 minutes of Biggest Loser. So I got it all in. Not easy, it was 8:15 by the time I got on the treadmill and I was tired and so not in the mood. The moral of the story is get the exercise in before its so late!

Food yesterday (Tuesday)
Breakfast: Whole wheat bagle with 1 t. butter and 1/2 yogurt: 3
Lunch: Salad with turkey meat and cheese: 9
Snack: Wheat thins with cheese and turkey and orange: 6
Dinner: taco and 2/3 of a burrito: 9
Snack: Pudding with ff redi whip: 3
Total: 30

Hi! Just read through everything. :surfweb:
I really am enjoying your journal! I wanted to tell you that Starbucks now makes this drink: Vanilla Roobius (spelling?) Tea Latte. Its a tea latte and if you get it with Skim milk there are hardly any calories. Its verrrrry good and decaf if thats your pleasure! :)
Hi Amy
well done for getting the TM in!!
You also did great only having 6 bites of dessert! That is such a good way to still have a bit of something you really want without going over the top :)
AND resisting starbucks goodies - you have definately turned a corner, i hope WI shows your hard work - it certainly should!!!
Hi! Just read through everything. :surfweb:
I really am enjoying your journal! I wanted to tell you that Starbucks now makes this drink: Vanilla Roobius (spelling?) Tea Latte. Its a tea latte and if you get it with Skim milk there are hardly any calories. Its verrrrry good and decaf if thats your pleasure! :)

Thanks Katie! You know I saw that (vanilla roobius) yesterday and wondered. Next time I'll have to try one. It just seems almost criminal to go to Starbucks and get plain hot tea!
Thanks Katie! You know I saw that (vanilla roobius) yesterday and wondered. Next time I'll have to try one. It just seems almost criminal to go to Starbucks and get plain hot tea!

Agreed! Its funny how if someone goes to the counter and orders a medium black coffee the employees look at them if they are crazy. If I go up and order a iced venti non fat no whip double pump raspberry white makes perfect sense to them! :rotfl2:
Great job yesterday!!!!! You are right about Starbucks, I am addicted to the chai latte. Even though I get the non-fat version, it's still about 230 calories of pure sugar... You did great getting a green tea, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! :cheer2:

And even though you waited until the last possible minute to get your workout in, how great did you feel that you got it accomplished??

Keep it up, you're doing awesome!!!!:woohoo:
You are doing a great job, Amy! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

I hope you have a nice evening and a great day tomorrow.:hug:
Thanks Amy, Katie, Tracy!

I got 60 minutes in at the rec center. I must say, I sometimes feel like a slow gal! Got passed on the indoor walking track by senior citizens! One lady was literally about 4'10" tall, and was pumping a couple of dumbbells. Great, shorter, older and packing and pumping iron and she still passed me by! Oh well, my day is coming right??

Food today:
Breakfast: Slim Fast 3
Snack: Pudding with ff redi whip: 3
Lunch: Lean Cuisine: 7 and wheat thins: 4
Snack: Fiber one bar and milk: 4
Snack: Cheese Its: 4
Dinner: Weight Watcher recipe (tried a new one), Turkey Meatloaf: 5, pasta, 2 and green beans 0
Total for the day: 32. Went two points over. I was so starving this afternoon after my walk. In fact I was shaking the last ten minutes, I think my blood sugar was really low. I found some cheese its in the car, ate those and then came home and did the Fiber One bar and milk. If I had eaten my yogurt before the workout, I would have not eaten the cheese its and been on target. Oh well. I never use my exercise points so maybe it will even out. I am still hungry but can't eat this late in the day!
Thanks Amy, Katie, Tracy!

I got 60 minutes in at the rec center. I must say, I sometimes feel like a slow gal! Got passed on the indoor walking track by senior citizens! One lady was literally about 4'10" tall, and was pumping a couple of dumbbells. Great, shorter, older and packing and pumping iron and she still passed me by! Oh well, my day is coming right??

Food today:
Breakfast: Slim Fast 3
Snack: Pudding with ff redi whip: 3
Lunch: Lean Cuisine: 7 and wheat thins: 4
Snack: Fiber one bar and milk: 4
Snack: Cheese Its: 4
Dinner: Weight Watcher recipe (tried a new one), Turkey Meatloaf: 5, pasta, 2 and green beans 0
Total for the day: 32. Went two points over. I was so starving this afternoon after my walk. In fact I was shaking the last ten minutes, I think my blood sugar was really low. I found some cheese its in the car, ate those and then came home and did the Fiber One bar and milk. If I had eaten my yogurt before the workout, I would have not eaten the cheese its and been on target. Oh well. I never use my exercise points so maybe it will even out. I am still hungry but can't eat this late in the day!

You did great! And dont worry about that lady! Some of the older ladies and gents in my body pump class have DOUBLE the weight I have on my bar. :worship:
I have hypoglycemia. I found that, just like you said, a yogurt, banana, oat and honey bar or an orange before I work out in the afternoon helps. I really like one of the 100 cal Yopliet yogurts with a granola bar crushed up in it. Yummy and not tooo bad for ya. Dont worry about the 2 points! Its nothing! :)
You were probably hungry from that long workout, and it sounds like you already know how to prevent that from happening in the future! Great job only going over 2 points, I'm sure you got 2 points from working out.
Thanks Katie and Amy. I think having somthing before I work out is a must. Especially when I am doing an hour of walking, three hours after I last ate!

Went to my neighbor's funeral today. So sad. His 14 yo daughter and his wife both gave eulogy's, it was really touching. It was so sad to see his mom sitting on the front row. Parents should so NOT outlive their children.

Came home feeling blah and not with it at all.

Food today: I am going to go ahead and post because I want to stay legal and when I write it down in advance I do better.
Breakfast: Slim Fast: 3
Lunch: Leftover meatloaf and pasta: 8
Snack: Wheat thins (6) Hot chocolate: 4
Snack: Yogurt 2 orange 1
Dinner: Crockpot Chicken 6, Broccolli (0)
Total: 30

My plan is to walk for at least 40 minutes later. I weigh in tomorrow and really hope the scale is nice to me. I had some bumps (Mexican food so no happening again anytime soon) but I stayed on points overall (used up my flex points but only 2 of my activity points) and drank my water.

I made my own hot chocolate with real cocoa and splenda. It was really good and really satisfying and kept me out of the kitchen during my danger time between 1-3! I may do that again, I need more dairy. Making it myself was so much better than the packets are.
I weighed in and was down 1.2. So I was pretty happy. Puts me at 6.2 in two weeks. I am going to go ahead and post my food for dinner again. We are eating out tonight, I picked Chipotle because I am craving Mexican and can easily count the points. And the chips are not free refills!

Food for Friday:
Breakfast: Slim Fast 3
Snack: Mini Luna Bar: 2
Lunch: Wrap with turkey, lettuce and tomato and 2 TB cheese: 8
Dinner: Steak Burrito Bol with, steak, rice, cheese and lettuce: 14
1/2 order of chips: 5

Total for the day: 33

So I am using up three flex points but its a new week!

And I plan to walk for 45 minutes today with dh, its 54 degrees here today and he has promised to leave work early. If not, I"ll go without him.
CONGRATS on the loss!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I hope your DH gets home in time to take the walk with you.

Way to go planning your dinner ahead. See, you can still get your Mex fix without totally blowing it! It's been one heck of a week for me, I am about ready to drive to my fave Mex place, dive into a bowl of chips-n-salsa and wash it down with a pitcher of margaritas... Hopefully DH will talk some sense into me when I get home!

You are doing awesome, I know you will keep it up and do great this year!
Way to go on the weight loss, Amy!!!!:cheer2: You are doing a wonderful job!!!!:cheer2:

Great minds think alike.....Guess what I had for dinner? Chipotle!!!!:thumbsup2

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!:grouphug:


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