American Idol 2024

Katy isn't wasting any time on her last go around-she has declared auditioner #3 to be Top
Not to be an Eeyore on Katy's last season but she is not coming back because ABC/Disney did not increase her annual salary demands north of 25 mil. So now she is saying that she can spend more time with her family and how important that is to her. Just sayin', if her salary demands were met then she would be back for another season(s). Sadly, its not about family but all about the $$$$
Her last season? That’s great news we can start watching next season! Can’t stand her…we switched to the voice halfway thru her first season.
The last auditioner was good and her meeting her birth family for the first time in person was really touching.

But again,AI is no longer about finding the most talented person-it is about finding the most talented person out of a pool of people who have great backstories.
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The granddaughter of Loretta Lynn,Emmy Russell, will be on the February 25 show.

The ultimate backstory!lol

Do you think she has any chance of making it to Hollywood!?!lol :)

The granddaughter of Loretta Lynn,Emmy Russell, will be on the February 25 show.

The ultimate backstory!lol

Do you think she has any chance of making it to Hollywood!?!lol :)

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Apparently she made her Grand Ole Opry debut last year.
Pretty good chance she'll get a ticket to Hollywood.
I noticed that Katy told 3 people they could be top 10. What did they show, maybe a total of 10 singers? The football player Blake and the last girl, with the adopted family are my favorites so far. I also liked the first guy, the British one.

Could be an interesting season.

Why did they mostly show good singers? There were only a couple who they said no to.
The last auditioner was good and her meeting her birth family for the first time in person was really touching.

But again,AI is no longer about finding the most talented person-it is about finding the most talented person out of a pool of people who have great backstories.

I thought it was very manipulated and contrived.
I like to watch once they get to Hollywood week and the marginal singers are gone. Too many of the audition shows try to play up the sad family back-story which takes away from the skill of those auditioning.
I actually didn't like that voice. She cracked and broke on notes IN her range. :rolleyes:
I thought she fine/good, but in no way worthy of the Top 10 comment.

I thought it was very manipulated and contrived.
Me too even though I did like her voice.

I thought his voice is good. But, I felt the "Aw shucks!" sweet naivete might have been a little put on.
I thought this one was contrived -- the whole "I didn't want my mom there" only for her to actually be there? :confused3 He did have a very good voice though.

I can't believe no one mentioned (unless I missed it) the guy that Katy said "no" to but the production staff voted that he should go through. I think Katy was off-base with that and the production crew was right. Yes, the whole how he moved his mouth, etc. was kind of put on -- the whole overalls with his name on it, etc. -- but if we're basing this on voice, he absolutely deserved to go through especially considering he did an original song it was still compelling. I just don't see how she could declare that one girl a potential Top 10 and not even vote to put that guy through.
I personally think doing an original song for the audition is a mistake. The judges only have a perhaps 1-2 minutes of hearing someone sing to decide to move them forward. If the song isn't something they recognize, you lose that connection to the song by the judges. Many amateurs also tend to think some song they wrote is wonderful/amazing while many others won't see it that way. You are partly judged on how you perform the song which could end up being a missed opportunity compared to singing a song others recognize.
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Looking forward to hearing the Judge's comments on Hailey Mia and Emmy Russell-should be very interesting.


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