American Express


Earning My Ears
Feb 18, 2001
We're going to Disneyworld in May and have decided to get an American Express card for the trip to save $ on meals, souviners, etc. Do you have to get a certain kind of American Express card or does it matter? We just want to make sure. :)

<font face="comic sans ms" font color=#9900FF font size="4"><marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">Disneyworld, the happiest place on earth!!</marquee> </font>

<font face="comic sans ms" font color=#3333FF>All Star Movies May 1999
</font> <font face="comic sans ms" font color=#FF66FF>All Star Movies May 2000
</font><font face="comic sans ms" font color=#9900FF>All Star Music May 2001</font>
American Express has a lot of discounts available. I already have the DC card but sometimes APEX is twice the discount.
Here is the link to this site's list of discounts for APEX:

<font face="comic sans ms" font color=#9900FF font size="4"><marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">Disneyworld, the happiest place on earth!!</marquee> </font>

<font face="comic sans ms" font color=#3333FF>All Star Movies May 1999
</font> <font face="comic sans ms" font color=#FF66FF>All Star Movies May 2000
</font><font face="comic sans ms" font color=#9900FF>All Star Music May 2001</font>
Just a heads up. I got an AMEXP with a blue logo on it. It is supposed to be for the internet secure code or something. I got it because it was free. Make sure that you let the person know that you are using AMEXP so you get the discount. I had to ask for it at the boat rental place. It was agreat savings.
Any suggestions on where to get AMEX card from? Any good rates/offers out there?


Our Dreams Unlimited Travel Agents will assist you in booking the perfect Disney getaway, all at no extra cost to you. Get the most out of your vacation by letting us assist you with dining and park reservations, provide expert advice, answer any questions, and continuously search for discounts to ensure you get the best deal possible.


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