American Express


DIS Veteran
Jul 30, 2000
Will using AMerican Express get me any discounts at WDW? I tried to go to and could get nothing!!!!
There is some info on Amex discounts on this website, go to

If you are a member of the Amex Rewards program, there are also some things you can use points for such as tickets, breakfast coupons, etc. However, they do require alot of points. I recommend using points for these things only if you have alot and don't know what to do with them.
I just tried the mousesavers link and got a screen saying "Forbidden".

What's that all about? Have I just reported myself to the CIA, FBI, MI5, INTERPOL for surfing during office hours??
LOL mssocks .......No you've hit what's known as a "firewall".

Basically it's a function that your company has built in that prevents you from visiting certain websites if their descriptions fit certain criteria that they have established.
There are a few restaurants that offer a discount when you pay using AE. You also can get a discount at the marina if you rent watercraft.
Thanks Freddie! I just couldn't imagine why my company had suddenly turned into "mouse haters"!
Are the AMEX discounts good for the Blue and Optima Cards also?
I like the one about the FBI, CIA..... but actually you've turned yourself into the Fashion PoLice....

Paranoia strikes deep ....Into your heart it will creep!

:rolleyes: :jester: :bounce: :smooth:

MIB, Protector of the Universe!


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