Aloha Kelly Monaghan!

Molokai Gram

<font color=green>DIS Veteran<br><font color=magen
Oct 12, 1999
Made your lei for your upcoming weekend trip with lots of detail. ;) It has wishes for warm sunny days with blue skies, friendly people and great fun. I also attached a pencil and notebook, since I assume this is a working vacation for you! :)

Because you are the first to try the HRH, we will all be looking forward to your comments when you return. :D
Not just comments -- pictures too! :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
Have a great time Kelly! :D

<IMG width="107" height="123" SRC=""</IMG>

<font size=4 color=blue>Kevin</font>

<font size=2 color=navy>Mariah: The Collection - 69 CDs and Counting.</font>

<font size=2>"I Will Be Alright, If I Can Find That Rainbow's End." - Mariah Carey</font>
Gosh! What horrible job that must be. Instead of punching a time card you punch a park ticket. Just kidding Kelly, I know how much hard work goes into research and writing. Try to enjoy yourself. Hi-Ho .... Hi-Ho .... It's off to work you go.

I scouted the pool area and the front approach yesterday. The pool is reminiscent of the beach pool at PBH, slightly larger, but with the same beach treatment.

The approach to the hotel is quite majestic with a large oval lawn flanked by palm trees as you ride up a hill to the main entrance. A fountain in front has a spiral guitar motif.

And don't worry, Barry, I have my digital.

Photos will have to wait a bit, but I hope to post early impressions on Wednesday.

Kelly Monaghan
Author of "Universal Studios Escape: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure"µˇ0
More more more...please! Thursday is opening day right?



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