Molokai Gram

<font color=green>DIS Veteran<br><font color=magen
Oct 12, 1999
Your leis are are strung on sun rays to guarantee warmer weather during your visit. ;) The leis are full of laughter and fun and include wishes for short lines;long rides; good meals and friendly people. Aloha and have a terrific time. :)
I guess that is a little bit of Hawaiian ? One day I'm going to visit your beautiful home, so you can give me a few key phrases to us then my friend !

As for now, it is less than 2 days till my lovely lady and I depart for Orlando. She has not been before and is so excited I'm beginning to worry for her health !! LOL !! ;)

I haven't been in town for almost 2 years myself now, and I can hardly wait to try all the new stuff at IOA, MGM and so on !! Lets just hope that Florida sun doesnt desert us !

I'll let you all know what she makes of it !

Bye for now !!


:cool: :) <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> :rolleyes: :D :) :cool:
Have a great time BJJ!!! :D

<IMG width="107" height="123" SRC=""</IMG>

<font size=4 color=blue>Kevin</font>

<font size=2 color=navy>Mariah: The Collection - 69 CDs and Counting.</font>

<font size=2>"I Will Be Alright, If I Can Find That Rainbow's End." - Mariah Carey</font>


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