Allison & Josh Trip Report 11/10/06 (link to pictures)


DIS Veteran
Nov 4, 2005
We left to beging driving on Nov 4 which was a Friday and Josh was actually on time and maybe a little early- we were driving his parents van as we had my flowers (3 centerpieces about 2-3 ft tall and round and 2 other arrangements since we were not using props they were about 4-5 ft tall - bright colored gerber daisies) for the Mad Hatter Tea Party, my gown and my mothers, all our luggage our gift for our event manager, and the other things for the wedding which were large.

I worried the night before that the van was going to be bursting at the seams but we actually had room to spare so we left at 11:45 and headed south on I 57 through Southern Illinois, Kentucky Tennessee (the Smoky Mountains the trees were beautiful) and then through Georgia. Oh my I thought we were going to die in Atlanta, there were 6-7 lanes of traffic all wipping in and out at about 80-90 mph - that was just to keep up with the flow of traffic. I just had to close my eyes. It did not help that it was dark. :scared1:

We finally arrived in Perry, Gerogia at the Hampton Inn around 9:30 pm our room was on the first fllor acroos from the desk and we unloaded everything, because I was afraid to leave it in the car, we just left the flowers and the streamer for the clothes in there, figuring that those could be replaced but my gown, and that kind of stuff could not be. The Hampton Inn there was nice and I would stay there again. I wanted to be on the road by 7am so we had a 6:15 wake up call - I usually wake a a bit before the wake up call, but for some reason....I could not sleep anymore so I got up took a shower and really got ready hair make up and everything (which I was not planning to do and at 6:11 I was ready to walk out the door, so I work up Josh and got things ready to load the car and ran to the lobby to get him breakfast and something for myself.

Saturday November 5
We were in the car by 6:45 am driving off and ready to go- that van is a gas guzzler we had to stop for gas a lot but headed for florida. Now the night before my bridesmaid Cortney had called me from Disney and was not feeling well and I told her to go to the urgent care, her daughter had strep and she had a cold and so I sent her a text and told her we were on our way and would meet up with them at the park later if they felt like it.

We actually had a nice trip down - I was afraid that we would kill each other on the trip down, but we did just fine. :wave2: But the directions were pretty obvious so there were not fights about asking for directions....
We got to Disney around 11:30 and delivered my 5 arrangements to the Disney Event Group and headed to the Beach Club to check in.

Upon arrival they began unloading our bags and I went to check in - our room was not ready but the lady checking us in was so excited that we were there for our wedding and told us that we had been upgraded to a water view room - I think she was more excited that I was. So they took our welcome bags and our luggage and I left the wedding stuff including my gown in the car- and we headed to the parks - actually to the Magic Kingdom.

My friend Cortney lives in Dallas and she was at the Magic Kingdom with her family so we spent most of the day with them. Then we headed back to the Beach Club because I wanted to get my gown inside. SO we got the room number 2565....we walked and found it we could not get in, the keys did not work, so to the desk we went. The guy at the desk was a bit of a jerk and asked if our key had been near a cell phone because it had probably been deactivated....and issues another key so we went back up - it still did not work :furious: getting annoying so we found someone else and she noticed that there was no arrow on the card which makes it a key --- DUH so it was not our stupid cell phone! Anyway so I went up to the room with my gown and Josh went to get the rest of the stuff out o fthe car. When I got in the room I walked down a long hall way into a room with a king sized bed, it had 2 windows looking right out at the boardwalk at first I was disappointed because we only had windows and no balcony and then I noticed a small door leading to the biggest balcony the Beach Club probably has- it looked right out onto the sand volley ball court- I loved it!!!

I unpacked my stuff and we walked around the hotel and then over to the boardwalk to get some food, we just had some pizza from Spoodles Pizza Window and I was so mad b/c the girl in front of me got the last slice of cheese and we had been in a short line but it took 20 min to even I had to get pepperoni and pick it off! and then we went back to the hotel and went to sleep early.

Sunday Nov 6

My cousin and his wife arrived on Saturday and I woke up and text messaged them to see if they wanted to meet up and we had planned to meet them that night at the Epcot - we had reservations at the Yachtsman. We got up early and went to Animal Kingdom, I wanted to ride Everest again - Josh and I rode it 11 times in May and I have to say that this time it seems that they may have made it a bit faster- We had a good time that days at Animal Kingdom and then over at Epcot for a while. Our dinner at the Yachtsman was very good and our waiter brought me a rose when he found out we were getting married. We were so tired we called my cousin and told him that we could not meet him at Epcot but they were staying at the Beach Club as well so we met up with them there.

Monday Nov 7
Busy work today- Had an appointment to meet with Event Manager Carol at 8:15 at Franck's. This was to drop off of weddning stuff untiy candle programs etc...did that. Went over and at breakfast at Polynesian, just at their fast food place, we were in a hurry because we had a busy day, but at the same time a some time to kill.
We had to go to Mall at Millienia to drop off my gown at Neiman Marcus to be re pressed. This had been arranged prior to my leaving by the St. Louis store, and my dress was to be dropped off at 10 and then we had to go get our marriage license. Once we got to the court house and found where we were going - I was trying to fill out the forms and must have been nervous - I could not write to save my life- that took about an hour. Then we went to find Carolyn Allens to drop my mothers dress off for pressing.

Meanwhile - Josh's aunt/uncle and 2 cousins arrived with their families - so we headed to the Magic Kingdom to find them. His cousin Chris was also the minister who performed our wedding ceremony, his daughter Sophie was the flowergirl and wife Laura sang! His other cousin Matt was an usher- so we finally found them over by Aladdin's magic carpets- the 2 brothers each have 3 kids ,so 6 kids total ages 5,4,3,2,6mo,6wks --- we were quite a group- 8 adults and 6 kids..... They were staying for the fireworks, but we headed back to the hotel

Tuesday November 7 Election Day
We went to Animal Kingdom and got dream fastpasses on Prime Evil Whirl so that was fun! Then after spending part o fthe day at the AK we headed to Epcot for lunch at the Food and Wine Festival and I got 1st visit buttons for all of Josh's little cousins and his grandma T who was arriving that night. So we went to find his cousins. :wizard: We found their stroller at Norway at the Princess Lunch and then we all headed to MGM to the Car Parade - where Sam, 5 shot at Darth Vader with his pirate gun and Darth shook his fist at him- it was funny, but Sam did not think so- of course it rained on and off but by that time the weather had said it would only rain on Tuesday and the rest of the week would be beautiful so I decided not to worry-

Need to go for now I will write more tonight
Yeah Allison!!! :cheer2: Glad you are back - I can't wait to hear your whole report. It sounds like everything went so well for the first couple of days. I sure hope that the rest is just as positive. And of course, post pics as soon as possible - gotta see you in that gorgeous Neiman Marcus gown. :goodvibes
that's awesome!! :goodvibes i can't wait to read the rest!! and like everyone else, i cannot wait to see you in your dress!! :goodvibes
Ok back to Tuesday Nov 7

So after the parade we went back to our hotel, it was raining and his parents had arrived with his Grandma and had made reservations for all of us and the his cousins at Spoodles. So we headed back to the Beach Club because we needed to handle some issues with the Welcome Bags - they kept telling one of the guests there were no bags - UGH! so we went back to the Beach Club and ran into my cousin and his wife hiding from the rain while chowing on HUGE sundaes at Beaches and Cream - I was super jealous as I was terrified that I would not fit in my gown , especially after eating the cheddar cheese soup and other munchies that day at Epcot- anyway off to handle the mess at BC with welcome bags and freshen up - Josh's parents met us at the BC lobby and we decided to walk to Spoodles well it begins to pour- they had small umbrellas, I had a poncho on but we got soaked - so we ate at Spoodles and it was nice and the food was good and then headed back to the hotel and then saw my cousin again waiting in the lobby for his parent and brother and sister and my mother, so we waited with them. After they arrived and got checked in we went to the ESPN Zone for them to eat, because they were starving and then we went to bed. My college roommate was alos arriving that night as well as my brother and girlfriend but they did not arrive until after midnight.

Wednesday November 8
Mad Hatter Tea at Grand Floridian Convention White Hall Patio
What a beautiful day it was - the sun was out and the weather was just beautiful. We lugged my huge flowers down but it was so worth it, they looked great! Everything looked awesome and the food was just wonderful. It was even better than it was at our food tasting, which I do not know how that was possible, but it was great. Everyone had a good time.The sun felt so good after the nasty rain the day before - Josh and his dad took off that morning to ride roller coasters, since his dad had never been on space mountain and that was one thing he wanted to do - so they hit all of the big rides at MK and then hopped on the monorail and rode past so they could see us outside at the tea and then the went to ride Everest.
Our menu was chicken salad ham and cheese and turkey and cheese finger sandwiches on corissant - they were soooo good, pasta salad, fruit of all kinds and dip, waffles with strawberries and whipped cream/syrup, biscotti and tea cookies and of course the cutest cake ever- it was awesome!
Then of course we had some party crashers - the Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit - they went to to my roommate from college and asked why they were there and she said her friend Allison Wonderland was getting married and they were celebrating - he had me introduce them to everyone and he was great, off the wall, wacky and everything you would expect a mad hatter to be - he kept telling the white rabbit,"that is important, write that down!" It was a lot of fun and everything was great - everyone was blown away because no one really knew the characters were coming so that was a suprise to them.

So after that - my cousin/MOH and Aunt went to Neiman to pick up my gown - Josh, myself, my brother, Alicia (my bro's girlfriend and my bridesmaid) and my college roommate went to the Magic Kingdom and rode some rides then after a while we headed to Epcot and ate again at the Food and Wine Fest - I love the Cheddar Cheese soup and I wish Canada always had a fast place. the Icewine was great too- everything was good and it was a lot of fun- then we went back to the room and went to bed early.[/IMG






Tea Party pics & above are me and the girls with my welcome bags - people seriously carried those all week they were great!!!
Allison- great TR, sounds like you had a great time w/ a few minor problems ;) Can't wait to read more!
Excellent Trip report! Cant wait to hear about the wedding - looking forward to hearing what Major Domo was like?!
How could I forget that you were doing the Major Domo on your BIL??? OOh - can't wait. Big surprise (NOT!) that SIL was having daily breakdowns.......
Friday November 10
Wedding Day - I woke up at about 6 something took a shower and began looking for my deoderant, well I could not find it anywhere. Josh went to stay at Port Orleans with Dave so I called him thinking maybe he stuck mine in his bag by mistake because his was on the counter - he said no that his was empty and he a new one. Then I realized that during the fiasco of car switchin that I put my bag from the spa in the trunk of his car with my deoderant, and some make up - OH NO!!! SO Josh got in his car and drove it over, took it to his groomsman Jeff (we refer to as Dick Cheney - the actual Best Man, John is George W the Figure Head - sorry to offend any Bush lovers) and Jeff who was staying at the BC delivered it to me - Jeff also took our marriage license to be mailed because who knows when John would get that handled? Probably never-

I got my stuff and got back on my bed that had a window looking out toward the Boardwalk and noticed 2 hotair baloons....pretty cool. The sky was beautiful, and the weather seemed to be good, keeping fingers crossed! I ordered some room service -
I remembered reading that people had not eaten or had anything to drink and our reception would not actually begin until 2 so I had bacon, eggs hashbrowns and toast and OJ - YUMMY! I figured I can't gain weight at this point.

My hair and make up friends showed up at 8:30 my bridesmaid Mel and her mom did my hair and makeup- so they did my eyelashes and hair and then Randy got there at 9:30 and he was taking pictures, then my cousin and MOH Brook arrived next. Then mom and Alicia arrived and finally Cortney and then my Aunt Pam. Randy took a ton of pictures of my dress - I think he must of liked it, because he told Josh that he did. Then I put on my dress and we had that huge balcony so he took some pictures of me on that -- it really worked out well and then since we had the windows, that was good too-

The flowers came and they were so pretty - pale pink roses, rosini roses, pink lisianthus and white stephanotis with green hydrangea - I loved them- The bridesmaids had rosini roses and green hydrangea.

his family for this fiasco --- I did not know why Amy left the BWI...

So we got to the limo and to the GF did pictures that was fine. Got to the Pavilion to our room and waited to go in. I was not really nervous - of course I felt pretty good because his cousin was doing the ceremony and it was someone we knew so I felt less nervous. As dad walked me down the aisle at the end he looked at me and said " this was worth all the dough - this is great" So dad was really impressed with all of it so that was good-

We got down the aisle and through all the beginning part - ok so now to the part that you have been waiting for CAN WE HAVE THE RINGS? Ok so my cousin and MOH Brook knew about major domo - I could not play a joke on her, John is a butt and he for years has played jokes on everyone. Chris, the pastor even said that John deserved a joke and Chris was really the best part of it! So he says John may I have the rings - John said I don't have them and then he turns to Brook and said do you - she said no then he turns back to John and said John the best man should have the rings and John says they told me SHe would have them (meaning Brook) he is just trying to blame her - meanwhile one of the groomsmen is just dying , My uncle is taking his ring off and hitting my aunt (who knew) and telling her to take off her ring - she kept telling him that it is ok. My College roommate is about to kill him for ruining my wedding - Josh's mom is sick thinking that he has lost them and I am going to kill them all, and all the while Chris is still going with John. The fanfare even begins andthey all think it is to cover and then the doors open and major domo comes in - the WHOle place erupts in laughter - and Major Domo walks up and bows and then gives Chris the rings and then says to John,"do you feel better now?" It was hilarious!

It was so pretty - the only bad thing was the crane was up on the castle - and then we lit the unity candle. Laura sang so beautifully. til there was you from the Music Man. And after that we were looking out at the people there and I notice Evil Sis in Law was NOT there - Then Josh was trying to tell me a something and I thought he was going to kiss me and I said you can't do that, so of course everyone laughed - all during the unity candle- And then it was pretty much over....after that Kiss the bride

Then we went to picture point and we did those and then they did our exit and then we did our pictures. We went back to the BC and Rnady did a couple of pics before we went to the reception at BC. Then we arrived.

Music at the wedding
Parents Cricle of life
Bridesmaid A dream is a wish
FG Bibbity Bobbity Boo
Groomsmen From Dixie w/ Love (recording by the Ole Miss Band)
Bride SpectroMagic! Edited by my cousin
Recessional Dixie and Forward Rebels by the Ole miss Band (Recording)

Lighting of Unity Candle Til there was you-
allisonswonderland said:
Thursday November 9

At the rehearsal - they were getting ready for another wedding actually I believe it was Jillian's(Cheeks). There was a bit of an issue - the floral people would not stop production for our rehearsal and I think they got mad - my event manager talked to someone else and then all the workers stopped and left. (BTW Jillian your Yamikas (sorry for the spelling) with the ears were a hit with my wedding party - they thought they were the cutest things - I apologize if it is sacreligous for those to be considered cute, but you know what I mean.) Anyway they had the aisle runner out and we were not going to walk on it - so they had to roll it up. they were there earlier than they should have been and it was a bit of a mess, so I hope everything went well-

So that's why the guests were saying the pavillion didn't look complete...hmm! Just kidding. I'm sure we would have done the same thing. No offense taken on the mickey's...we designed them to be fun and purposeful...glad everyone liked them.

Can't wait to see your pics!
Thanks for those who are actually making comments, now I understand the rules on other boards that eliminate lurkers....I am writing as much as I can and have 412 ppl reading but no one commenting - It kind of makes me feel like well I am just not sure but like I do not want to share with everyone.

Jillian - hope it did not hold you guys up-

We had our home reception last night so that is over and now the focus is on moving and christmas!
Fun report! Can't wait to

Do you happen to have the Spectromagic edit uploaded online somewhere that you could email? We really wanted to use that as our exit music (my mom LOVES it and we thought it would be a cute surprise ;) ) However, it's really long, and we just want the 'chorusy' part mainly. Thanks!!
Great TR so far, I'm sorry you had to deal with so much drama with your SIL. That's why I'm glad mine is refusing to come. I can't wait to read more.
Great TR Allison! I started reading it at work and just finished up to this point. You seemed to handle "her royal evilness" pretty well.

Keep up the good work..I can't wait to read more. I would love to see some pics too! :love:
allisonswonderland said:
Friday November 10
It was so pretty - the only bad thing was the crane was up on the castle - and then we lit the unity candle. Laura sang so beautifully. til there was you from the Music Man.

I've been enjoying your trip report and wanted to tell you that this part made me verklempt. I love the Music Man and think that must have been beautiful, I can see it as though I was there. That song is perfect for a wedding. I hope you'll have pictures posted soon.
I love the music man too! Obviously - I loved that song and was worried because I think that Shirley Jones is a hard act to follow and Josh's cousin was awesome!!!
Congrats Allison, great TR! We need pics! :cool1:


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