All New York City people help me!!


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Feb 4, 2000
Our band is going to NYC this week and I was just wondering if you really think its gonna be like 80(which is no big deal) degrees??? Do yall have any tips for me?? Thanx for the help!!!
Well I live on Long Island, about a half hour away and we usually have the same weather, and yes I heard it was supposed to be very warm!:) :bounce:
Darn, I don't know if you're gone yet, but if you're not, make sure you reply.. I'm in NYC all the time, have some good tips. :D But if you're already gone I probably shouldn't put them up because it's 11:20 and I should be in bed. ;)
Well that was a crazy rambling post!
LOL Amzey...I should be in bed too. But I get soo side-tracked =)

But WDWfanatic...I live in NJ, and we're about 30 minutes away from the city. It's probably going to be in the 90's here tomorrow, so it should be around that in NYC, too. Just take it easy in the heat, and drink a lot of water!!
LOL Lola.. and now it's time to go to school and I'm sitting here reading your post.. I get way too sidetracked also. :p
Wow it has been HOT for the last 3 days but it is coming to an end this weekend:(
Yeah, it's been hot here too - the other day it was 90, and the previous record high for that day was 71.:earseek:
Well thanks for the kind words...I didnt read this until today and I got back on the 6th...
Yeah, it was 90 the first day and when we left on sunday it was in the high 60's/ So it went down as we were there but we still had a GREAT time.
Glad you had a great time!

And Amzey...I probably should be doing homework now so I have the weekend free.....naaaah. :)
LOL Lola I'm not doing any homework tonight.. did WAY too much during the week. ;)

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