AKL Concierge - still shaking pixie dust off my clothes!


DIS Veteran
Aug 4, 2000
Yep, it was all I wanted it to be.

We weren't on the concierge floor; we were actually on the 5th floor, overlooking the savanna and Arusha Rock. While it may have been a bit inconvenient to make the trek up one floor, the view we had was worth it.

Some observations:

(1) Every single CM we encountered was unfailingly courteous. This, at the busiest time of the year (for us, Dec. 28 - Jan. 1). Everyone spoke to us or at least smiled and nodded warmly. Unbelievable.

(2) The Kilamanjaro Club (sp?) (the concierge lounge) reminded me of an extended family room. In the mornings, especially, it wasn't unusual to see guests in bedroom slippers, kids in PJ's, and smiles all around. I saw unusual acts of courtesy - I remember one older gentleman filling a juice glass while I was waiting and passing it along to me. Sorta seemed the atmosphere was infectuous.

(3) The AKL is dark, but not gloomy at all ... I'd call it more cozy than anything else. Our room had a queen, the bunks, and a day bed. There were five of us and we weren't cramped. The room size is deceptive. While the sleeping area itself wasn't huge, the vanity area is in sort of an alcove, and the tub/shower/toilet were in their own space. Made getting ready in the mornings really pleasant.

(4) While monsoonal rains sure did put a damper on NYE activites, the lobby at the AKL was a blast - some good natured, impromptu partying broke loose, and what a great time!

(5) There's something to be said for throwing back the curtains, stepping out on the balcony, and seeing the animals right outside the window. We caught ourselves spending as much time on the balcony as we did in the room.

(6) My son, who is in the Marine Corps and is facing deployment real soon, was surprised by a cake from the concierge staff reading "Semper Fi, Jeremy!" He was so pleased.

(7) Overall, it was the legendary Disney service and attention to little things that made the trip. We stuffed ourselves silly at Boma, and even my picky eaters did just fine.

What a splendid experience. We'd never stayed anywhere concierge before, and the bar sure has been set high!

One of the concierge CMs - I won't mention who - had spent a couple of days working concierge at the GF. She said that the difference in guests between AKL and GF was striking. "It's more like home over here," she said. I'd agree.

What a special trip this was!
Thanks so much for the report, it sounds wonderful! What a nice thing for them to do for your son!

:Pinkbounc :jester: :bounce:
sounds fantastic!! hope we have as good a time as you and your family!!
:p lisa
dreamfinder2- can you tell me what type of room you booked?
i'm interested in rooms that sleep 5 comfortably. Oh, and if you don't mind...the price per night as my 2004 trip will be over the holidays. Thanks, Ren
Not Concierge....but none-the-less had a great time! It was my first stay at AKL and I would not hesitate to stay again. I too found it cozy rather than dark and found that being a little out of the way was a welcome respite from the heavy crowds. It was great not sharing a bus too...never had to stand or even wait long at all....and I simply love Boma...we ate there 6 times!!

Wasn't that some downpour on NYE??? We perservered and remained at Epcot...but had I known partying was going on.....:D
Ren, we were in a deluxe savannah room. They come in all sorts of configurations - 2 queens, a queen and bunks. I *think* all the deluxes have daybeds, which are surprisingly comfortable. I crashed one afternoon on it - I'm 6'1"and about 225 lbs., and didn't "hang off" anywhere. It was fine for my jr. petite 16 yr. old DD.

The 2003 rack rates I have for the same room we booked during the holiday season is $515/nite. It also sells for $350 at the low end, during value season. Concierge is $610 during holiday season. I've seen AKL heavily discounted, so ASK and/or hunt some discount codes before you pay rack rates!

We stayed on Disney Vacation Club points, so no cash exchanged hands (this is a plug for the DVC!) I couldn't have stayed with a clear conscience otherwise (blame my inherited Scottish thrift!)
With a review like that I don't know if I can wait 30 more days. This trip was a Christmas surprise for my 72 year old Mom. I hope the concierge staff sprinkles a little pixie dust on her as well.

I definately agree about the warmness of the AKL concierge compared to the Grand Floridian. We LOVED the AKL concierge and after our stay at the RPC at the GF last week I can honestly say the AKL is much more fun. I showed my husband your post about your son's cake with Semper Fi! on it. My husband is a retired USMC officer and that just warmed our hearts to the AKL even more. Best wishes for you and your family and our thoughts and prayers are with your son. Unfortunately my husband may be called back. Glad you had a great time!
Thanks so much for posting your report.

We stayed at AKL for 2 nights the first week on December, and I have to agree that the resort has a "homey" quality. I didn't find it to be too dark at all (with the exception of the lobby bathrooms). Every CM we encountered was so fabulous, too.
AKL concierge was one of are greatest Disney trips of all time Sept 01. The staff was wonderfull, kind, and very helpfull. The morning safari is out of this world ++++++++++
We stayed at the AKL Concierge (6th floor) in Nov. and rubbed elbows with the Soap Stars on Soap Weekend. Several of them were on our floor. I hear that celebrity sightings are frequent there. Rumor has it that Bruce Willis, Demi Moore & their kids stayed there recently! Try it! You'll feel like a star yourself! :smooth:
Dreamfinder2, welcome home! I am so happy to hear that you had a magical time at the AKL. It is my favorite resort and has my favorite Cast Members. I hope you took photos and will post the link to them here.
Thanks for the great review of the AKL Concierge. We will be staying on the concierge level for the first time this coming Feb 1st and reading your post now has me more excited then I already was. Thanks again for taking the time to post.


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